From Moring to Night

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No song for this chapter, SORRY!


I woke up laying face first on Kadence's soft bed. But hadn't I left her room last night? I looked at her so see her breathing calmly. Breathing. Yes. This is good. Very good. I watched as she lightly opened her eyes, "what happened?" She asked me as I stated in disbelief. She had woken up. After that horrible week she was finely awake.
"FINELY!" I screamed out loud making Slender run to the room,
"Is everything okay? Shadow, why are you-" he stopped and looked up at Kadence, a happy aura surrounded him, "Kadence!" His mood brightened. I got up and set her in my lap Slender coming and sitting next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Why are you so happy I'm awake?" The young girl said, rubbing her sleep filled eyes.

"You've been asleep for a week," I answered calmly,

"A week?"


"I must've been really tired!" She giggled.

We shouldn't tell her that she got hurt.

Slender talked through my mind.

Sure, but let the others know.


"Why, look at the happy family," Jeff said, entering the door way, I blushed, feeling my ears pop up, "I see Kadence is up, have a nice sleep?" I felt Slender concentrating on something. He must be telling Jeff what to say because this was not the normal Jeff.

"Yep," she said, popping the P with her tiny lips,

"G-glad to hear," Jeff started having a hard time at saying nice things.

"Where's Sally?" Kadence asked, sliding out of my lap,

"Probably in her room playing, go on and join her, she's missed you. Kadence nodded and ran out the door.



"My nightmares are getting worse,"


"Yes, last night I dreamed Kadence died,"

"Ah yes we tried waking you up, you were crying," I nod my head,

"It was to real,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Do you know how to make them stop?" He shook his head,

"But I have a idea on how your getting them,"

"You do?"

"Zalgo," I took a gulp. Not him again!

"Could I defeat him?" Slender looked startled,

"Defeat Zalgo? Uh, I guess you could, but you have to be-"

"Train me," I said quickly, "he's not going to stop till someone gets him back,

"Yeah I guess-"

"Okay tomorrow, can you ask if everyone will train me?" Slender nodded.

Slender's P.O.V.

My dear Shadow is asking for death. Zalgo must want her for more than the ring, something is wrong. She wouldn't even give me time to tell her anything, there is no stopping her sometimes. I agree just because I know she wouldn't give up. Shadow has slowly became less shy, letting fear fall behind her as she runs toward danger.

"Slender," she asked calmly leaning into my slender chest,

"Yes Shadow?" I asked, pulling her closer,

"Please don't be worried about me," she whispers, tracing patterns on white hands,

"I'll try," I kissed the top of her head, I lifted my head as her wolf ears came up.

"S-sorry," she said nervously, trying to pat down her ears.

"It's fine, have you noticed you act wolf like sometimes?" I started petting her ears and I watched her blush but tilt her head back, allowing me to pet more.

"What? Ooh that feels good, like that place on your back you can't can't reach then someone's scratches it!" She aid excitedly,

"Let's see, you have wolf ears, when your scared you whimper, and right now," a pink shade crossed her cheeks,

"O-oh s-s-sorry, I'll s-stop," Shadow sulked, putting her head down,

"Don't be, it's kinda cute," I turned her around and lifter her chin up, she blushed once again, "now, about that date,"

"Yeah?" She smiled,

"How about tomorrow?" Her smile widened,

"Of course!"

Shadow's P.O.V.

"I love you Slender," I said, holding his hand,

He looked at me, a smile of blood drawn on his face, he tightened his grip on his hand, almost crushing it,

"Slender," I said calmly, hoping he'd stop, "SLENDER STOP!" I screamed at him trying to pull my hand away.

"I'm a monster," he whispered, I froze,

"No your not!" I screamed at him, no longer pulling away. He tightened his grip, a tendril shot out of his back picking me and slamming me against the tree.

"Scared yet," he asked, "ready to die?"

"Go ahead," I said, picking myself off the ground, "I'm not afraid to die." I transformed quickly, running and jumping on him, but before I landed another tendril shot me backwards, I hit the tree once again, hearing something crack. With that Slender turned and left.

"Shadow," I was awakened by Slender's calm voice, I must have fallen asleep in Kadence's bed with Slender because I didn't remember coming to bed. He reached out to me and by instinct a flinched away, I felt a aura of sadness.

"I won't hurt you," he said calmly once again, I sat up and hugged him,

"Please don't leave me,"


"That includes if you plan on killing me, please don't leave me while I'm dying. Wait till I'm dead before you leave, it makes me feel like I'm unworthy for you to stay and watch me die," slender nodded,

"You'd always be worthy of watching you die," he chuckled a bit while he said it

"Thanks?" I laughed with him.

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