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It's weird how loosing one thing can make you feel like you lost everything, before w loosing the ring made me feel. Everything we had worked for gone, Icy, Spyro and Midnight have been training with what little hope they have with fighting Zalgo. I laid on the ground under a tree listening to nature. Birds chirped quietly as I thought, Black Uni, I don't know she was bad. I twisted over on my side smoothly, my cloak acting as a blanket to lay on. I breathed in the air slowly, had it been a dream, had they hurt me in the dream world or had they taken me some place and returned me. I sighed softly and listened for something, anything, maybe the wind telling me it's secrets, instead I heard nothing as I laid. I sat up slowly and picked up a leaf, looks at it before I threw if into a passing wind correct and stood up, lifting my cape as I went, it was time I paid the Shadow Clan a visit. Walking through the forest my cloak swept up leaves every once in awhile, hitting the back of my heals as I stepped on them lightly. In the horizon I could see the open area where the clan was held, the shield had been put back up thanks to Dark. As I entered the village I looked around, I knew it would be different without Calum there but I felt like I should visit anyway, I walked through the area before bumping into someone familiar.

"Hey Shadow! What's up?" Levi asked me, I smiled.

"Not much, how have you been?" He smiled at me yet I could see sadness in his grey eyes.

"Okay. What brings you here?" He asked me.

"Not much just checking up on everyone." I answered, I looked around at the serene village. "Is Lori a good leader?" I asked.

"She's pretty cool." Levi answered me, I stared at him, pain was deepening in his eyes as I couldn't help but to look away. I thought about hugging him for a second but decided against it.

"Want to come in for some food?" He asked, glancing at a building next to him, I nodded and went in with him, the building was small and wooden, it seemed to have one bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a small main room.

"I made some toast." Levi said handing me a piece of buttered toast, I smiled and began eating.

"How old are you now Levi?" I asked him he looked up at me.

"Fifteen." It must be hard, Calum had told me how Levi had no real family, with Calum dead, Levi must be all alone. I noticed he didn't have the same happiness he usually did, I gave a pity smile and continued talking, changing the subject. Someone knocked on the door, standing up, I walked over and opened it Louisa.

"Did you bring Kadence?" The small girl asked, I shook my head.

"No sorry Louisa, I'm going to visit it her when I leave, I can take you if your parents, er, mom, says you can come." She nodded happily.

"Yeah! I'll ask her how!" Louisa ran off and I turned back to Levi.

"I should get going, I need to see Kadence." He nodded and I began walking out.

"Shadow!" He called before I left, I turned around.

"Yes?" He smirked.

"You look pretty today."

"Thank you Levi." I turned back around, maybe the dear had caused him to mature I smiled before leaving and walking out of the village. I might as well visit Kadence while I'm gone, I strolled to the Trender Mansion and knocked on the door. I small creaking was heard before it actually opened.

"Mommy!" Kadence screamed when she saw me, running over and hugging me her small arms gasped against my waist.

"How are you?" I asked as I bent down on one knee to her level, Sally emerged from the background as she skipped.

"Good, Sally showed me how to skip!" Kadence began skipping around the room, stumbling slightly because of her stubby legs, I laughed.

"That's great, how's Trender?" They both nodded.

"Good, he's gone right now, Sally's watching me." I nodded, Sally would kill someone without a second thought, especially if they tried to hurt Kadence, "I also got this new ring." Kadence held her hand out, "it looks like yours." I nodded and looked at it, examining it, it looked exactly like mine.

"Where did you get it?"

"It just appeared on my hand when I woke up." I took her hand gently and peered at it, the on,y difference was that the ring was pink.

"Girls, would you like to come back to the Slender mansion for a while?" I asked them, they both nodded frantically I smiled.

"Come on." It took their hands and began walking.

"Can we ride on your wolf back?" Kadence asked, I nodded and transformed for them, a black wolf with blue tips on my ears and tail, I guess I lost the power to blend in. Kadence and Sally climbed onto my back, their weight pushing me down slightly as I began trotting through the forest, constant joyful screams could be heard as I picked up the pace, the mansion in sight, I began slowing down till I reached it, they both slid off my back and onto the ground carefully as I transformed and walked to the door with them.

"Kadence!" Spyro said as we entered, everyone hugged all of them and we began talking.

"Slender, Kadence has a ring." He turned to me.

"A ring?"

"Yes, like mine, but it's pink."

"I had a feeling this would happen."

"What would happen?"

"You see, if the ring is not passed down manually, once the ring is removed, it will be passed on to the next generation automatically, it seems that Kadence now has had it passed to her, is the ring still blue?" I shook my head.

"It's pink now." He made a uncertain sound, "Slender, we can't send her to the war."

"We can try getting it back to you, but I'm not sure exactly what will happen."

"We can't send her to war."

"Shadow if it doesn't work-"

"We CAN'T send her to war." I repeated, he looked at me, I knew I was lying, I knew that there was a big chance that she was going to have to go with us, I shook the thought from my head.

"Kadence, can I see your ring?" She nodded and slipped it off gently and handed it to him, he examined it, "yes, this is the same ring." Kadence looked at my worried face.

"Sorry mommy, I didn't know it was yours, you can have it back." I shook my head.

"It's fine. We just need to try something with it." She smiled and nodded.

"Okay." Slender took my hand and slipped it on my finger, the rings color began changing, a royal blue color began crossing over it but in the center it was still blue, the whole idea of the ring was for Kadence but my powers were battling hers, I didn't let my eyes leave the ring as I watched the colors shift around till they froze in place. I took my eyes off the ring and looked around, everyone stared at me.

"It stopped." I told them.

"It started."

"What started?"

"Feel that?"

"What?" Ever stopped and listened, a soft rumbling sound could be heard coming from somewhere in the forest,

"That started."

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