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I fell to the floor, my eyes not leaving their stare on Kadence's blank face,
"I-Is she dying?" I asked, my hands shaking,
"She is healing, she's a creepypasta, she can't exactly DIE," Jeff said, he wasn't even paying attention he was sitting on the couch playing with his knife.
"How?" I asked, laying fully on the ground staring at the ceiling,
"She was, uh, running inside, then, well, uh, err, she, umm," BEN was struggling telling the story, "She climbed on top of the counter to get something, and I was running in to get her down and she fell backwards and hit her head in the island," sadness filled BEN's voice, "Shadow, I'm so sorry," I looked at him, I got up the floor and went and hugged him, he looked startled at first but soon relaxed.

"It's okay, it's not your fault," I whispered, letting tears run down my cheek. He put his arms around me, letting me cry into his shoulder. I felt another arm on my shoulder and I turned to see Slender, BEN dropped his arms reluctantly and gave me up to Slender who I buried myself in, crying. They put Kadence in her room, to let her sleep and heal.

I didn't want to go to sleep so I sat on the couch watching BEN play video games,

"Shadow, are you sure your okay?" He asked pausing his video game, it was one in the morning and Slender was asleep, BEN stayed up to help me stay awake,
"I'm fine," I was getting really tired.

"You look tired, you gotta stay up," he said, coming over and messing with my hair, he knew it would make me mad, I let him mess with it though, fighting the urge to punch him. After all, he was keeping me awake from my nightmares and maybe death. I let him braid my hair, when he was done I got up and looked in the mirror to see the worst braid ever. We both started laughing as he shrugged his shoulders,
"I have no idea how to fix hair," he said in between laughter. I undid his terrible braid and fixed my hair back to how it usually was. I walked over to him as he looked at me confused,
"Your turn!" I smiled, he moaned and reluctantly took of his hat so I could fix his hair, he set his hat down next to me as I began working. While I was fixing it up in a tiny pony tail that stick up straight on the top of his head I slyly with one hand picked up the hat and set it on my head smiling, I knew this would get on his nerves, I continued to fix his hair to perfection. When I was done I stepped back, completely forgetting I was wearing his hat. He turned around, saw the hat he then just looked at the hat back to your face multiple times, I gave a innocent smile as he did this.
"Cute," he said admiring it, you felt yourself blush and your wolf ears perked up, the hat sitting in between them, he smirked at you reaction and gentle removed the hat from you head to his own. He then sat down and continued his game, I laid down on the couch, forcing my eyes to stay awake but soon I found myself drifting off.

Someone's P.O.V.

"Sir, she is learning to control," he stood up as I backed away slowly, you don't want to get on masters bad side.

"CONTROL?" His voice boomed through the giant room, bouncing of damp ugly walls, "NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT," he started marching over me, I continued to back up.

"Sir, she's stronger than others, she has more power, and I fear that even you with the ring would not be able to defeat her," I said the truth, your not allowed to lie to master, I felt his hand slap across my face but I stood guard. I was chosen for my strength.

"No one," he breathed in my face a foul smelled breath, "is stronger than me, send her another, that should take care of things," I turned and left the room quietly.

Shadows P.O.V.

I felt a hand touch my face, it outlined my eyes and my mouth before planting a soft kiss, my eyes fluttered open to reveal BEN, when he pulled away he smiled at me sweetly,

"No BEN, I'm with Slender," I shook my head. Suddenly I watched as his eyes started glowing red, I backed up only to find I was already up against the wall. BEN pushed me down to the ground, I tried getting up to fight but I felt incredible heavy to lift myself up. He crouched down, his feet balanced under him as he looked at me, his hand made contact to my face, I screamed as it made contact. I wrapped my hands around his legs sobbing, "please don't do this," I cried, I felt myself being slammed back into the wall a cracking sound could be heard. I slumped down, my body felt limp but I was still awake, I could steal listen and feel pain, and right now I was feeling a lot of it. Everything started becoming unfocused again and I felt choked up, I grabbed onto something to keep from falling but my body did anyway. I started to feel darkness swallow me as BEN disappeared. I felt something be pushed into me and I took a breathe and everything came back to focus, I was laying in BEN's lap, a worried look plastered on his face, I saw water stains on his link costume, I must've been crying.

"H-how'd you get me to be able to breathe?" I asked thoughtfully, what had Slender not thought of?

"CPR," BEN answered,

"Isn't that were..."


"Why didn't..."

"Slender doesn't have a mouth,"

"Does that mean..."

"Yes I put my mouth on yours,"

"Why did..."

"So you could breathe,"

"What was I..."

"You started panting then you stopped breathing and I ran to see if you were okay then you started screaming again, things like..."

"'No BEN I'm with Slender'?"

"Uh, yeah and..."

"'Please don't do this'" I looked at the ground ashamed,

"Shadow, do you really think I would hurt you?" I could see hurt in his eyes,

"No, it's just the dreams felt so real, can you tell me the rest?" He nodded,

"Then you started crying loudly and that's when you said, 'please don't do this' he looked at me sadness covered his face and I felt terrible, "then you grabbed my shirt, you started to look pale so I well gave you CPR," I nodded,

"I'm sorry," I hugged him,

"For what?"

"For making you feel like I'd didn't trust you," he nodded,

"It's fine," he whispered into my hair,

"Shadow," a tired Slender said from the hallway but I didn't want to leave BEN's grasp, I mean, we were having a moment here.

"Go," BEN whispered in my ear as let go of him and ran to Slender who wrapped his arms around me.

Casting Shadows (a Creepypasta book)Where stories live. Discover now