Chapter 65

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Chapter 65


It's been two months since I gave birth to my twin babies and the entire journey so far has been nothing short of amazing. Ryan has been a huge help with everything. My babies were at home and we were getting ready to celebrate Christmas tomorrow morning. I invited my family and Jailee over to stay the night so we could all celebrate together. My house was big enough for it now. I wanted to start a new family tradition for us all. 

"So how do you think Ryan is handling everything?" Jailee asked as she held baby Brix. 

I smiled. "He's not doing bad at all. He's actually the one that is getting up more in the night. Of course I have to do feedings but he has been on it. That man hasn't missed a beat at all." 

"That's so amazing. I'm happy for you both." 

"I'm happy for you too girl. Who would've thought that we would have babies months apart?" 

"That is so crazy to me. I'm so happy about it though because they will be the best of friends for sure." Jailee said. 

"I hope so because I didn't have many friends growing up. I want her...well him as well, to have friends and just be better than me." I told her. 

"Yeah I understand that, but you don't have to worry about that. They will all be great." 

We sat around the fireplace playing games with one another and just having casual conversations. My mom made homemade hot cocoa and s'mores. It was all so cute. 

Ryan came and sat down on the couch, cuddling beside me. He was probably tired but he never said anything. He's been working his ass off lately at work and home. 

"You okay baby?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I'm straight." He mumbled. 

"Alright, I was just checking." I told him. 

He looked up at me. "What made you ask?"

"I know you're tired and need a break." 

He shook his head. "Nah baby, I'm good." 

"I know you're tired Ry." I said rubbing his face. 

"I'll be alright. I got a family to take care of. I'm not complaining." 

He will literally work his butt off and still won't admit to being tired. I try to give him as many breaks but he's so scared that he's going to miss something. Plus, he is also caring for his nephew like his own, so he's doing quite a bit. 

"The babies are sleeping, let's enjoy this time before I have to feed them again in a couple of hours." I told Ryan.

"I'm trying to fuck." Ryan joked. 

I nudged him. "Babe...we have guests tonight that we have to entertain." 

"I don't care about none of that. We grown and this our house." 

I laughed. Ryan is hilarious, but he be so serious all the time. 

"You are something else Ry. I'll see what I can do for your tonight after everyone is sleeping." 

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