Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Girl, this has been the longest summer ever and we haven't even made it to July." Jailee said as we sat on the couch in our apartment just talking.

I have worked my ass off since I graduated high school and I feel like I'm getting everything I deserve. I graduated last May with my bachelor's of art in Dance. I just finished up my one year internship with a dance company here in Austin. I'll be officially moving back to California to start my own dance company. It's been a long 5 years.

Oh and did I mention that I got engaged 6 months ago to my now fiance, Landen. We've been together since my junior year and I love him. I am still a virgin and don't plan on changing that until I am married. My parents met Landen when they came to my graduation last May. I'm not sure how they feel about him, they didn't really have much to say like they usually do. I've been packing all of my things to head back home in time for the July 4th celebration.

I'm 23 and never thought any of this would have fallen into place as it has. I know I'm excited to get home.

"Jailee, I'm so glad to be moving back to Cali, this has really been an experience. Can you believe we did it?" I said excited.

"I'm proud of us. I'm going into Fashion so I can design some of your costumes for your dancers. Girl, we have done a lot. I can't believe you got engaged. Your ring is fucking gorgeous." Jailee said smiling.

I looked at my ring and couldn't help but smile. "Thanks girl, your time is coming."

"I am not trying to get engaged. I like being single." she said laughing.

"So, my dad finally decided that he would give me startup money to create my dance company and I agreed to pay him back once I get on my own feet. I'm gonna be stressed out and then planning this wedding. Landen and our families are going to dinner soon. Omg." I told her rubbing my forehead.

"Don't stress yourself out. You have a great life and some bitches hate that."

I laughed. "Yes, I know that."

"I need to go to the campus and get a few things. I'll be back in a few." Jailee said standing and grabbing her car keys.

"Alright girly." 

I watched as she left then I grabbed my phone and called Landen. I haven't talked to him all day, he usually calls me. He didn't answer and it took me to voicemail so I sat my phone down and just watched tv.

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