Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


It's been a week since everything went down with Ryan and I. I miss him so much but I've put that on the back burner for now. I've been working my ass off this past week with Jailee holding auditions for girls and possibly guys to come dance for my company. The grand opening will be next weekend and I'm very excited. I found a huge space that has a showroom in it so instead of me having to rent out other places to hold recitals I can have it here.

I know I'm going to owe my dad so much money when I'm completely finished but I'm just glad that he believed in me enough to see my vision. It's all coming together. Kayla told me that she wanted to be a part of my dance company and that was fun with me.

I officially own The Exquisite Dance Company and I have everything trademark including the logos. I got the best dancers I could and were able to pick up choreography really fast while still moving with grace and cleanliness. I also hired instructors who I can trust to get the job done when I'm not there and my own personal assistant.

"I'm really proud of you." Jailee said as we sat in my office at the studio doing paperwork.

"Thanks girl, I couldn't have done it without you. You've been an extremely big help." I told her.

"No problem, aren't they coming here to do an interview for you."

"Yes, I've been so busy." I said glancing at my phone only to see nobody has called or texted me.

"You should be glad everything is starting to work out in your favor." 

"...I miss Ry." I blurted out.

Jailee looked at me like she was thrown off.

"You can't be thinking about that right now Alley. You've been getting so much done lately do not let that hold you up now. If it's meant to be then it will happen." 

"It's easier said than done...I wish he would be here supporting me right now or show up next week for my grand opening."

"I get that but you need to focus on getting your things together. This is all you've been talking about since we started college and it's finally happening so just take a second and just live in this moment and be proud of yourself. You've managed to be this successful after all the things you and Ryan have been going through." 

"I guess you're right. I love you so much Jai." I told her.

She smiled. "I know, just stop stressing and I'll have your uniforms done we'll be good to go."

"Mrs. Patterson, they're here to interview you." My assistant, Elle, said to me.

I stood from my seat. "Alright, I'm ready." 

She walked out and Jailee hugged me. 

"I'm going to go check on some of the girls while you're doing that." Jailee told me before she left out as well.

I went over to the area where they were quickly setting up cameras.

"Hi Alyssa, it's good seeing you." Jane, the interviewer, said to me.

"Good seeing you as well." I said taking a seat.

After they were finished setting up, we quickly got the interview started and I was pretty excited.

"So tell me about yourself and your company." Jane stated.

"I'm Alyssa Patterson and I am the new owner of The Exquisite Dance Company which will be opening soon. My vision for my company started many years ago when I was a little girl. I was always in some kind of dance classes from hip-hop to ballet, I did it all. Now I was never a part of the dance teams at school because I felt as though it wasn't as diverse as the other companies I went to. It's always been my passion to own my own studio and teach girls who were like me what I know. Here I am at 23 years old and I'm opening my own studio." I explained.

"Do you think you had a slight advantage since your dad is a very successful music artist?"

"Not at all. My dad and I are two separate people. If he wasn't who he was then I would still be doing the same thing and I would still be here today. I don't want people to think I'm only getting places because of him, that's totally untrue. I've worked very hard for this and I want everyone to see that."

"Were there any obstacles that you had to overcome?" she asked.

"It's life, there will always be obstacles and I will forever overcome each and every one of them."

"What is the age range for the girls to be able to dance here?"

"Well I had different ages in mind at first but the age range will be 4 years to 21 years of age."

I don't know how I was feeling about the interview and I was kinda ready for it to be over at this point but I stuck around anyways.

We'll see how it ends.


When I say this has been the longest fucking week of my life. I feel like shit is just repeating itself. As much as I wanted to be with Alyssa right now, I just couldn't pick up the phone and see about her. I've been chilling at my place alone because I didn't want to be bothered with anybody.

Sommerlyn has been trying to come by but I haven't been up for that either. I think shit could be different between Alyssa and I but I'm always the bad guy in every situation. Nothing is ever about me, it's always about her and she don't see that.

I put that girl first before anyone including myself but she upset over a chick I'm not even thinking about. If I wanted to be with that girl then I would be but I'm not thinking about her.

So I don't know how shit is gonna go but I am getting tired of fighting for this girl and she don't see it. I know I can't keep stressing about it though.

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