Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Jailee and I sat in my office at my studio just talking. I had just finished up with the girls for the night and I was getting ready to close everything up. We will be leaving to head on vacation in no time and I invited Jailee to come because she's like a sister to me. I really had to convince her because she was not trying to come.

"I told my mom about what Kayla did to Ry and they made her go back home. I don't know what they did to her but I can't have that around me. Ryan would never do anything like that. I don't care if she thinks I believe him over her. I know them both very well. Hopefully the trip, will be peaceful because I just want to relax and enjoy the time away from all the craziness here." I explained as I read a text from Ryan.

"Girl, your sister is something else. It seems like everyone is after Ryan." Jailee said staring at me.

"It does seem that way but I can't be worried about that. I much bigger things that need my attention. He knows how to control himself and he knows right from wrong. It's just always some bs coming my way and I'm tired of it." 

"Girl I understand, Ry and I had a conversation not too long ago. I'm pretty sure his heart is with you."Jai said with a small smile.

I kinda looked at her crazy because neither of them brought it to my attention that they were having secret meetings without me. I mean I trust them both but it would have been nice to know.

"Hmm...I didn't know you and him were close like that?"

"He's a cool person Alley, and he loves YOU...not me." she trailed off.

"You okay?" I questioned.

She was acting weird and it's not like her. She seems a bit distant as well.

"I'm good. We probably should have mentioned it to you but it was his idea not to say anything. I think he just gets worried about losing you and all that stuff that took place with your sister. He has good intentions so don't be so quick to give up on him all the time." Jailee said never looking me in the eye as she spoke.

There was a knock on my office door and I jumped a tad bit as I looked up to see Ryan standing there.

"Hey Ry." I said.

"What's up." he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead.

"You're early." 

"Nah, I'm on time. What's up Jailee." Ryan said glancing at her.

She looked at him and smiled a bit then waved. A silence fell upon us and something was just a little off to me.

"Babe, I'll meet you in the car." I told Ryan.

"Alright." he said walking out.

As he left, I turned my attention back to her as she stood and grabbed her purse.

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