Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


I swear nothing can ever just go smooth for Ryan and I. Something always comes up and I know he's upset about what he saw a couple of days ago but I just haven't had the energy to even talk about it until today. He's kind of been blowing me off. When we go days without talking to each other, it always has me wondering what the hell he is doing when he's ignoring my texts and calls.

I sat on my couch sipping wine and looking through social media. I hate when things are so bad between us. I miss the hell out of him but he won't respond to me. I felt so enraged when I saw a photo that I was being tagged in. I went to the picture and saw Sommerlyn walking with him in a short clip that was captioned: 

@@sommerlyn baby boy knows where home will always be. so addicted to him. #mines 

I just know this is old and he's not out here being stupid after he just proposed to me. I just know he's not that stupid. I will fucking kill him. I'm not gonna be disrespected like that. If he is still fucking with this bitch...I'm going to lose my mind. I hate being in the spotlight because you constantly get embarrassed publicly.

I got off before I responded to that post and dialed his number which he kept declining my calls so I continued to call and call because he was going to answer the fucking phone or I was going to pop up at his house. I'm sick of this shit.

I called him about 15 times before he finally picked up.

"Fuck is you calling and texting me like this for?" Ryan said with an attitude.

"Where the hell are you?" I asked.


"Because I fucking asked, so where are you? You can't fucking answer the phone or text me back then want to have an attitude with me. "

"You always want to fucking argue. I don't want to hear that shit. Don't worry about what the fuck I'm doing." 

"Who are you talking to? You serious right now?" I asked. 

"Alyssa, what the fuck you want? Where your nigga at that's always in your face?" 

"How many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't what it looked like? You don't listen." 

"Nah, you don't fucking listen. I told you to leave that lame ass nigga alone a while ago but you still entertaining him and want me to leave my hoes alone...for what?" he said.

My eyes widened because I couldn't believe he was saying this to me at all. He has to be out of his fucking mind to be acting like this.

"Okay." I said hanging up.

I can show him better than I can tell him, that's for sure. I went through his and Sommerlyn social media to see if their locations matched up but his location was showing at a club and hers wasn't giving an exact location. He got me fucked up and he's taking me out my character. It was about 11:30 pm and I didn't mind stepping out by myself.

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