Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Last night was lit as fuck. I'm engaged to my best friend. Shit is crazy. I picked up my phone and saw people posting all over my social media asking questions about the videos that surfaced last night.

I posted a picture of Alyssa sleeping in the bed then captioned it saying:

@chancethetrapper never saw myself being in a serious relationship until I met this girl. She changed me. I'm still learning to love her and willing to give everything to keep her by my side. Regardless of our past or who tries to interfere with what we got, she not going nowhere. I asked for her hand in marriage and she said yes. Honestly the greatest feeling, can't see myself with no one else. So many wanna be in your place lol you know I'm not ever leaving you. I love you baby girl, you got me forever.  @@alleykattt 

She need to wake her big head ass up now, a nigga hungry. Sex was so damn good last night shit. I knew it was gonna be good but damn that shit blew me away, I slept good as fuck last night.

I went and stood out on our balcony in just my sweats to enjoy the view. It was nice out here. Pretty cool to get away from the same ol shit everyday. My phone started ringing and I looked at the ID to see that it was Sommerlyn. I just didn't feel like hearing shit from her so I ignored the call but it wasn't even 30 seconds later before she started calling again. I ignored her about 3 more times before I finally picked up.

"Fuck is you blowing my damn phone up for?" I said annoyed as I answered.

"Why the hell are you sending me to voicemail?" she yelled into the phone.

"I'm with my girl and the family and I'm not yo nigga so I do what the fuck I want." 

"Are you serious right now Ryan?" 

"Fuck you mean. Hell yeah I am. I'm not fucking with you like that no more."

"Why? You got this bitch a ring and she still fucking with other niggas and you done with me? This bitch turned her back on you and you just all of a sudden forgot about that? Who was there when she left you? Me! You just fucking forgot, that bitch don't care about you. She's all for self and you ask her to marry you? What the fuck!" Sommerlyn  screamed. 

"I'm not about to argue with you. It is what it is. Nobody is gonna change the way I feel about her so fuck you. I don't give a fuck if you don't ever speak to me again. What you not gonna do is disrespect her." I said calmly.

"FUCK ME?! I can't believe you. This is the same bitch that fucking left you Ry. You came to me damn near heart broken because of this hoe and now ya'll all happy and shit? I hope she fucking rips your heart out your damn chest because you're foul as fuck. I can't fucking believe you got this bitch a damn ring..." she said.

I hung the phone up then sat it down.

"Is everything okay babe?" 

I turned around and saw Alyssa standing in the door with a silk robe around her body with her hair up in a messy bun. She gorgeous as fuck.

"Yeah, everything good." I said grabbing her hand then pulling her towards me.

She looked me in the eyes. "You sure?" 

I grabbed her chin then kissed her on the lips. "Yes."

Alyssa smiled at me. "Your post was very sweet."

"I meant everything. I'm forever grateful that I met you." I told her.

"You promise you aren't mad at me for leaving anymore?"

"I wouldn't have gave you a ring if I wasn't trying to move forward from old shit. Shit happens and you here with me now and that's all I care about." I said.

She just stared at me silently with a small smile on her face.

"Go get ready so we can get out of here and enjoy the day." I told her.

She walked back into the suite and I just continued staring out at the view. Shit was amazing.


Ryan has been so sweet to me and I love it. I'm glad that we are able to move forward with things and continue to work on our relationship. He means the world to me. I knew that he was going back and forth with Sommerlyn on the phone when I walked up on him. I don't get why she just won't leave him alone. He's mine. I guess she's really upset that he proposed because she has been calling me all kind of bitches and hoes under my pictures that I posted of me and Ry and also my ring. She's posting old shit of her and Ryan and honestly I just don't have nothing else to say to her.

I have him. He's mine, it's me and him. I got the ring, he's going nowhere. We're rocking forever. She hates it and I don't care. She can take a seat with the rest of the bitter exes that still want him or whatever the fuck she was to him. Like this girl is real deal crazy so I blocked her from everything but she still manages to get on my page talking shit.  

I got a message from an unknown number that read:

just touched down in's gonna be an interesting vacation. I came to get MY man.

I read the message several times before I just closed out of it and decided to go get in the shower. I don't have time to stress about small shit.

My man just proposed to me and made love to me all in one day. I am floating in the clouds right now and nobody is going to take that away from me.

I'll soon be Mrs. Chancellor.

***Super short chapter; just a filler but anyways let me know what you think! Comment & Vote!***

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