Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


So Kayla is nowhere to be found and my parents are freaking out and I'm trying to stay calm. I have no idea where she is but I do know she left on her own probably because of what happened. I sat on the phone with my parents at my apartment.

"I don't understand what could have happened to her and why she is so angry at the world." My mom said.

"She's not missing, she left. I know that's what happened." I told them.

"Why you think that?" My dad questioned.

"She's a teenager. They do things like that. I think she is fighting demons with herself. She needs help because you can tell something is wrong." 

"I thought that but what could it be?" my mom said.

"Well I don't know but dad, you need to sit down with her and see what it is that's bothering her so much. This is her way of getting your attention. I'm sure she's fine where ever she is."

There was a knock on my door and it kind of startled me.

"Hey, I'll talk to you guys later. Something just came up." I said.

"Alright bye." My mom said.

I hung the phone up then got up from the couch and headed to the door. I looked through the peephole to see a woman...a very familiar woman.

I opened my door and looked at her strange. It was Leslie, Ryan's ex or babymama. Whatever she is to him.

"Um..hi?" I said staring at her strangely.

"You seem surprised to see me." Leslie said.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"To talk to you."

"About what?"

"You know what. I honestly didn't take you for that girl that likes to mess with another woman's man. I didn't think you'd be okay playing the side chick part."

"Okay, you need to go." I warned her.

"Do you honestly think he's going to leave me for you. You think he's gonna give you another chance to leave him again? He told me all you care about is yourself. We are starting a family together and I'm not going anywhere. I'd appreciate it if you left what's mine alone. We have a lot of planning to do." she said pushing her hair behind her ear and making sure I saw the ring on her finger.

He proposed to her?!

"I don't know what you're talking about." I finally said.

"You do. Don't be dumb. This man comes home to our bed every night regardless of what he's telling you. I've been there for him and I would never leave him hanging no matter what and he loves that about me. I'm not all for self. I'm not worried about you taking him from me because he'll never leave. I bet he told you, that him and I weren't together and I wasn't staying at the house..." she paused and sarcastically laughed.

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