XVI: Home [Part II]

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[A/N]: Sorry for not posting anything. I was on winter holiday break. So here ya go. This is the first update of the new year, and hopefully, there will be many more. :)


Yusei's POV

I hear a muffled knock on my door, and footsteps gliding across the carpeted floor. I instantly recognize those footsteps as Crow's. Spending years living with him and Jack, you come to realize who's footsteps are who's. 

"Hey buddy,"  I hear the familiar voice say. I then feel the foot of my bed move as he sits, gently moving my bare feet off the bed.  "How are you doing?" 

I throw the pillow off my face and sit up.  "Hey,"  I greet.  "I'm doing okay. Have we finalized any plans to get her back?"  I ask, cutting to the chase. 

Crow shakes his head, his headband sliding over his ears.  "No, not yet. Sorry,"  He says, taking his headband off to fix his red hair. 

I nod.  "No need to be sorry. I know plans take time. Especially with Jack,"  I add, earning a dry laugh from Crow. 

"Exactly. Which is why I came in here actually. We need your help in convincing him this is the right thing to do - rescue (Y/N) that is." 

I look up at him, his grey eyes searching mine. I sigh and stand up.  "Fine. Let's go."

He smiles and pats me on the back, leading me downstairs. 

                                    *time skip*

After about an hour, we finally convinced Jack to come with us. We all split up: Jack with Carly, Crow with Akiza, and I was on my own. 

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"  Akiza asks, looking at me and then Crow. 

I nod.  "I'm fine. I can manage." 

Crow looks skeptical, but nods.  "Okay, but call us if you need help or get into trouble,"  He smirks before he puts his helmet on. 

I put my red helmet on, smiling softly at the thought that (Y/N) could be riding back with me after we rescued her. 

We arrived at the place where the tracker said she was. We all gazed in awe at the beautiful scenery around us: the rushing water, the trees in full bloom, and two people sitting underneath a tree in the sunlight. 

I ran to a familiar figure, knowing full well that it was (Y/N). As if she sensed me, she turned around, her hair still wet as it hung around her face and smiled at me. The person next to her turned out to be Alexander. 

"Hey, man! Long time no see,"  Alex greets, shaking my hand as he pats my back. 

"Hey, bro. Nice to see you too. I see you helped (Y/N) escape,"  I said, watching his face. 

He nods.  "Yep! She's a brave soul, trusting me,"  He jokes, smirking at me. 

We both laugh, and I turn to (Y/N).  "Hey love. It's good to see you,"  I say, pulling her close as I hug her. 

"It's so good to see you too, Yus,"  She says, snuggling her face into my chest. 

"Wait? You two are together?"  Alex asks, looking at the two of us. 

I nod and go to answer, but (Y/N) does before me.  "Yes, we're together. And we're happy."  She gives a stern look to Alex, and he steps back. 

"Okay, okay. I get it. I won't interfere."  He smiles and chuckles nervously. 

I smirk down at her.  "You're so sexy sometimes,"  I whisper in her ear, causing her to blush. 

"So Alex, what will you do now that you're free and out of Kalin's evil grasp?"  I ask, wrapping an arm around my (Y/H = your height - i.e. short, tall, etc.) girlfriend. 

He shrugs and folds his arms.  "I don't know. I guess I may go back to Neo City to start a new life. I'll see if I can get myself enough money to get an education and such." 

I nod.  "Well, you know where to find us."  I say, as the rest of the Crimson Leaders join us. 

(Y/N) and I leave, walking a few feet away to talk privately. 

"Did he do anything to you?"  I ask softly, lifting her chin. 

She shakes her head.  "No, Yusei. Don't worry. He only helped me escape. That's it."  She smiles at me, standing on her tip-toes to kiss me. 

I grab her waist and kiss her back. The kiss started as a slow and innocent one, but I couldn't help but kiss her more. She didn't mind - as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her fingers ran through my hair and I let out a sigh. 

She was definitely the one. I thought of the chain she gave me, and smiled. 

She sighed against my mouth, letting my tongue explore her mouth. My hands started to travel down her back, one slipping underneath her shirt. 

She gasped into the kiss, causing me to smirk and pull her closer. She pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavy. 

I smiled softly as I looked down at her.  "I love you." 

She smiled back up at me.  "I love you too, Yus. I'm so glad to be back with you." 

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