X: Reunited [Part II]

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After about an hour of cuddling with Yusei, we finally decided to get up. I heard Crow mutter something from behind our closed bedroom door. I rolled my eyes and got up, seeing Crow with messy hair. 

I held back a giggle as I follow the red head downstairs. Akiza was in the kitchen cooking. I went over to help her.  "Good morning! How did you sleep, (Y/N)?"  She asks, cracking an egg into a bowl. 

I nod.  "Way better than being in a dungeon."  She laughs.  

"I'm sure. Hey, could you get me the salt and pepper, please?"  She asks, turning to me. I nod and hand her the spices. 

As Aki and I make breakfast, I hear a mumbling Jack make his way down the stairs. 

"...And you never listen to me! See, you're ignoring me again!"  Carly yells at him, standing at the top of the stairs.  "I told you I'd simply bring you breakfast." 

Jack scoffs.  "So? I want to eat with my friends. Is that a crime? Besides, I'm feeling better already,"  He continues, balling a washcloth in his hands. 

Carly rolls here eyes and fixes her glasses.  "Whatever. Just don't expect me to take care of you when you become sore and sick." 

Both of them go to different places in the room: Jack sits on the couch and Carly comes into the kitchen to help us serve breakfast. 

We set the plates at the dining room table, complete with cups of coffee or orange juice. A small bowl of sugar cubes sits near me and Aki, as we share a knowing look. If the guys got their hands on the sugar cubes, we'd have three children to babysit. 

I roll my eyes at the thought as I round everyone up. Jack reluctantly takes his seat next to Carly, and the rest of us follow suite. 

"Cheers, my crimson leaders! We have a long day ahead of us,"  I raise my glass of (Y/F/D = your favorite drink). 

Akiza cuts in.  "And welcome back, (Y/N)!" 

We all clink glasses and start to eat breakfast. 

       *time skip*

When we finish, Carly goes to help Aki with the dishes, and they tell me to go back upstairs to get dressed. I furrowed my eyebrows, but they insisted, pushing up the stairs. 

I entered Yusei's room, picking up the combat boots and the oversized sweater. I gently shut the door behind me, and entered my room. 

I took out a pair of clean clothes: {[A/N]: I have those black rose earrings, and they are my absolute favorite!}

I took out a pair of clean clothes: {[A/N]: I have those black rose earrings, and they are my absolute favorite!}

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I smiled at my reflection, and put on a bit of mascara and a dark-tinted lipstick. I felt giddy: feeling like a million dollars. 

I hummed a tune as I walked down the stairs, greeted with a smirking Yusei. 

"Well, you seem to be in a good mood, love,"  Yusei says, offering me his hand. 

I nod.  "Yes, I am. And why wouldn't I be? I have my boyfriend back,"  I wink at him, making him blush. 

Crow and Akiza come down the stairs holding hands, followed by Carly. 

"Take care, you guys. I'll take care of Jack as best as I can... But you know what a handful he can be,"  She rolls her eyes at this, earning a laugh from all of us.  

"Just keep the doors and windows locked,"  Crow says, shrugging. 

"And, you may want to change the password for the garage. At least for now anyway. Just let us know what it is,"  I say, smiling at Carly. 

She nods and ushers us out the door, where our duel runners are waiting. 

We wave goodbye as we all take off: this time, headed towards the same place I escaped from. 

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