XXXII: I'll Follow You If...

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I feel my eyes open and shut a few times - not registering anything in front of me. I hear my name, but it sounds like it's far away: like someone's trying to talk to me underwater. 

"(Y/N)...awake...don't know..." I hear snippets of a conversation and slowly, the world around me starts to come into focus. 

I sit up, holding my head with one hand and pushing myself up with the other. I open my (Y/E/C) eyes and am greeted with many staring faces. "Um, hi...?" 

Akiza and Carly squeal, hugging me tight. I fall back onto the bed with both girls on top of me. They both giggle and get up, apologizing. 

I smile at them. "No worries," I furrow my eyebrows at them, a smirk spreading across my face. 

Jack clears his throat. "Well, hello again, sleeping beauty," he retorts, faking a bow as he smirks up at me. 

Carly glares at him, and elbows him in the side. "Shut it, Jack." She smiles at me, nodding politely. 

"Yeah, Jack. You try sleeping when you're thrust into a different, scary realm," Akiza retorts, hugging me protectively. 

I laugh a bit. "It's okay, Aki. Jack's just being his usual self," I say, hugging her back before turning to Yusei. 

Yusei chuckles as he hugs me, pressing a kiss to my head. "How are you feeling?" he asks softly, just loud enough so I can hear him above the bickering between Jack and Akiza. 

I nod. "I think I'm okay." I force a smile, my headache gently subsiding. 

I watch as Yusei smiles back, and looks up at everyone - putting a finger to his lips. Everyone suddenly falls quiet and gets up, leaving me alone. 

I sigh and grab Yusei's hand before he leaves. "Thank you, babe," I say softly, smiling for real. 

He nods. "No problem, baby. Get some rest." 

I nodded and sunk back into the fluffy (Y/F/C) pillows, sighing as the soft material hit my back and arms. 

                                          *time skip*

I awoke to a pair of warm arms surrounding me. I rolled over, and smiled when I saw it was Yusei. 

"Hey love," I smile and touch Yusei's face, gently caressing his tan skin. 

He returns the smile and touches my arm. "Hi there. Did you sleep well?" he asks, his voice soft like a whisper. 

I nod, kissing his lips softly. He returns the kiss, pulling me close - his arms around my waist. 

He pulls a hand away, reaching into his pants' pocket. He pulls out my ring and places it on my finger. "I found this when you were sleeping. It must have fallen off or something," he kisses my hand and smiles. 

"Thank you." I reach up to pull his face closer to mine, but stop when I feel a chain around his neck. I pull it out from underneath his shirt and smile. 

It's the chain I gave him. I pull him close and kiss him - our lips locking in a heated, passionate kiss. 

"Hey Yus," I say, pulling away from his lips. "Can you promise me something?" 

His eyes widen. "Babe, is everything okay?" he asks instead, caressing my sides. 

I nod. "Yes, Yusei. Don't worry. It's nothing bad." I look at him with my best poker face. 

He sighs, giving up trying to read me and nods instead. "What is it?" 

"If I stray somewhere dangerous, would you save me?" 

He sits up, pulling me with him. "Baby, what's this about?" He asks, squeezing my hands tightly. 

I shake my head. "You'll see. Just answer yes or no, babe." I stare straight into his sapphire eyes, forcing him to gaze into my (Y/E/C) ones. 

He sighs and nods. "Yes, of course I'd save you. You mean the world to me." 

I smile. "If I forget the little things - the memories only we share - would you remind me of them?" 

He furrows his eyebrows, but then smirks at me. "You know I would. And if reminding you didn't ring a bell, then I'd just remake them with you," he winks at me and I giggle, biting my lip. 

"If I somehow start to lose myself - like start acting differently or have an off day - would you tell me all the things about me that made you fall in love with me?" I watch his face as he tries to read my face, but fails. 

He nods again. "Of course. And if you need proof, I'd just put you in front of a mirror," he says, bending down to plant soft kisses all over my hands. 

I laugh. "Yusei! That tickles!" I smile at him as he starts to leave butterfly kisses on my fingers. 

He pushes me down on the bed and starts a tickle war. I laugh more and more, feeling my stomach start to hurt. 

"Yu-Yus!!" I exclaim, trying to catch my breath. "Stop...please!" I can't stop smiling even as he tickles me. 

He shakes his head. "Nope. I'm enjoying this too much." 

Both of us are a laughing mess as we both lie on my bed - Yusei on top of me. 

Someone suddenly opens the door. "Well, this is a surprise," a British accent says, causing us to pull apart. 

I roll my eyes. "Shut up, Jack. Don't you have better things to do?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. 

He shakes his head. "Nope. Besides, you're lucky I walked in on a tickle war and not something else," he smirks at both me and Yusei. 

Yusei and I steal a look, and Jack's pale face goes pink with a blush. "Oh. Wait, you two haven't actually done it, have you?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. 

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Mind your own business, Atlas." I state, as Yusei chuckles beside me. "Besides, we've heard you and Carly go at it." I raise an eyebrow and keep my blush to a minimum as I call Jack out. 

"What...oh shut up!" He stutters, walking out of my room. 

Yusei laughs and kisses me. "You're amazing, you know?" His brilliant blue eyes look down at me. 

I shake my head. "Nope. Never knew that. Thanks for informing me though." I state sarcastically, kissing his lips before he can respond. 

I hear footsteps on the staircase before a certain red head enters my room. 

"Can none of you people knock?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as Yusei holds me close. 

"Sorry. But what did you do to Jack to make him so quiet?" Crow asks, fascination and surprise evident in both his voice and expression. 

I laugh. "Yusei can tell you that," I say, getting up out of his grasp. 

"What?" Yusei asks, looking at me as I blow a kiss and head downstairs. 

Welcome to the sassy side of me. ;)

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