XXVII: Façade

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My body goes into a state of shock as Akiza's words hit me: Erica turned me into a witch. My first thought was how livid Yusei was going to be when we found out. My second thought was what kind of witch was I turned into? 

"Um, Aki..." I trail softly, looking at her. "What kind of witch did she say she turned me into?..." 

Akiza's brown eyes flit away from my gaze to the petals floating on the water's surface. "Um,..." She plays with the petals, biting her lip like I do. 

"Akiza." I say sternly, tilting my head at her as I kneel on my blanket. "Tell me." 

She sighs and looks at me, her eyes filled with what I think are tears. "She turned you into a Hedge witch."

I give her a confused look - feeling the corner of my lips turn into a frown. 

She sighs. "That means you have all the powers of a regular, standard witch. But you also have the powers to travel different dimensions..." she looks away and dunks her head under the water. 

I sigh. "Oh joy. Wait until Yusei and the others hear about this..." I groan, placing my head in my hands. 

She emerges from the water, pulling the metal switch on the tub to drain it. "Yes, well. I'm here for you. Just like you were there for me this morning." She smiles and dries off, grabbing a crimson towel hung up by the bathtub. 

I sigh and nod. "Okay." 

We go to her room - she walks out first, and I follow her, picking up my blanket in the process. She gets dressed in a red sundress and goes downstairs with me. "Group meeting!" She calls out, getting the guys' attention. 

Carly looks up from her book, running a hand through her black hair. She nods and takes a seat next to Jack on the cream colored couch. 

I take a deep breath and sit next to Akiza, avoiding Yusei. He gives me a weird look, but sits next to Crow instead. They both exchange some sort of glance, and I clear my throat. 

"Well, we have an update from Erica..." I turn to Akiza, who nods. 

"Yes, and it's not good news." I feel the room fill with tension as she continues. "She said her so-called sacrifice worked... but in witchcraft, a sacrifice requiring that much blood is usually something very drastic and important. It deals with the spiritual world." 

She looks at Crow, and his expression is stone cold. His grey eyes burn with anger and I can tell his jaw is clenched tightly. Crow's arms are crossed across his chest, tightly locked as his hands rest in fists. 

I dare to look at Yusei - he has his arms crossed, his muscles tensing as he listens. I scan the room and find his jacket and gloves on the arm rest next to him. I look back at him, but he doesn't meet my gaze. 

I look back at Akiza, and wrap an arm around her. "It's okay. You can continue." I smile softly, rubbing her back. 

She nods. "Well, Erica decided to turn (Y/N) into a witch. A Hedge witch to be exact...." She trails, tears threatening to spill from her brown eyes. "And that means she has the powers to cross dimensions and worlds." She breaks down, crying as she buries her face into my shoulder. 

Crow pursed his lips, his eyes ablaze with fury. I can tell he's livid by the way his knuckles become white. Yusei's in the same state - his tan hands have become balled into tight fists as he stalks towards me. 

I tear my gaze away from him and rock Akiza back and forth in my arms, making him stop in his tracks. Akiza's sobs can be heard through the now quiet living room. Carly takes a seat on the other side of Aki, placing her head on the red head's shoulder. 

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