XXXXI: Leaving? [Part I]

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[A/N]: Warning, this is going to be a sad chapter... but it's the only thing I can write right now... Sorry. <3 


Yusei holds me close, and leads me inside the house. In an instant, I am greeted with tight hugs and a few tears. 

I smile softly and nod, answering every question my friends throw at me. 

Akiza looks at me, and forces a smile. I tilt my head and she speaks to me telepathically: 

We need to talk. Privately.

I nod and furrow my eyebrows for a split second before going back to smiling at everyone. 

Once I answer all of their questions, I go upstairs and crash onto my bed. The sheets smell freshly washed and I smile. 

I don't even bother to kick my shoes off. Instead, I just roll over to find a comfortable position, and fall asleep. 

                                           *time skip*

Someone knocks on my door, waking me up. They then knocks again five times. It must be Aki. 

"Come in," I say, sitting up as I kick my shoes off and stretch, stifling a yawn.

She literally barges into my room, slamming the door behind her. Her head is in her hands, and she collapses down onto my bed as she sits. 

My brain takes a few seconds to register her presence. "What happened?" I ask softly, hugging her. 

"Crow and I broke up," she says softly, sobbing and wiping tears. 

I widen my eyes and part my lips in shock. "No way. Why?" I ask, tilting my head.

She shakes her head and pulls me close, sobbing against my shoulder. 

I pat her back, and sigh softly. "It's alright. You don't have to tell me now." 

I can feel a small smile form on her lips before another awful sob racks her body. I sit with her, hearing the clock on my wall tick on. 

I shift to grab a tissue box from underneath my bed. I hand it to her and she pulls away to grab one. She wipes her tears and turns away from me to blow her nose. "Thanks," she says softly, a small but sad smile on her pale lips. 

She takes a deep breath and hugs me tight. I rub her back, brushing her hair out of her face. 

"So," she starts, looking at me with her brown eyes.  "Crow broke up with me because of my witch craft and such...."  she states.  "But I think it was more than just that. I think it's because he's seen how close Yusei and I are... and maybe he got jealous..."  she shrugs. 

I furrow my eyebrows. "But you and Yusei are just friends,... right?"  I ask, trying my best to suppress my worry. 

She nods. "Yeah..."  She trails. "He made that clear when I confessed I had a small crush on him," she adds quickly, chuckling softly to lighten my mood... but I'm still suspicious. 

Instead of saying anything, I nod, forcing a smile. I sit with Akiza for a few more minutes before she gets up and goes to her own bedroom... But she takes my box of tissues. 

I smirk and roll my eyes, making a mental note to get some more. 

I go downstairs to find no one's around.... I walk into the living room and jump a bit when I see Yusei lying on the couch. 

I tilt my head at him and clear my throat before he notices I'm there. He jumps, scrambling to sit up against the arm of the couch. 

"Oh, (Y/N),"  He says, his eyes scanning behind me. He runs a hand through his hair and rubs his eyes.  "I didn't know you were up." 

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.  "Uh, is there something you need to tell me?..."  I stand in front of his disheveled form, frowning. 

He nods once, and clears his own throat.  "Uh, yeah actually.... So I've been thinking about us a lot lately..." 

I feel my heart beat quicken and I blink to hold back tears that I feel burning beneath the surface of my eyelids. 

"I hate to do this to you..."  He sits up and clasps his hands in his lap, his legs hanging off the edge of the couch. 

I look down at my feet, but I also notice Yusei's clothes are wrinkled. I dare to look up at him once and I find a red streak of what I think is lipstick across his neck. I know that color all too well...

I widen my eyes and step back.  "Wait... were you with Akiza? Is that why Crow broke up with her?"  I ask, stepping back towards the door. 

He stares at me, shock written across his face. After a few seconds, he nods.  "Well, yeah... She just came at me after Crow had yelled at her about her witchcraft. Before I could process what was happening, she and I were kissing. Crow stormed downstairs to grab a bottle of beer, and saw us. That was when he called it quits and broke up with her. Carly and Jack woke up from the yelling, and left. I think they went to stay the night with Martha and the twins.... You were out cold, so you didn't know...."  He wipes a tear from his eyes, his bare hands shaking the slightest bit. 

I feel hot tears stream down my face, but I blink fast, stopping the rest of my tears from falling.  "So... I guess that means we're done too...?"  I ask softly, looking up at the whitewashed ceiling to stop my hot tears from spilling over. 

His breath shakes as he inhales sharply. He doesn't respond. Instead, he picks up a crushed beer can, tossing it into a pile of cans at the end of the couch. 

I drop my jaw. There must be like six cans laying in that pile... And I spot a bottle of whiskey as well. 

I try to quickly piece together the pieces, and finally gather the courage to ask about it. 

"So... Akiza came to you for comfort. You decided to drink together, and got drunk. Then she kissed you... and you guys..."  I swallow hard, tightening my arms around me in a tight hug.  "What? You guys made out?" 

I give him a hard stare, holding my tears back as I narrow my (Y/E/C) eyes at him. 

He takes a deep breath, and looked down at his clasped hands.  "Yeah..." 


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