XXXXV: Dark Territory

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I nod, grabbing the man by the arm and leading him up the stairs. I stop him at the top of the stairs, putting a hand on his chest as I turn towards him. 

"Oh, but I don't know your name," I say, winking at him as I lean in closer. 

"My name? Well, I guess that's a problem. After all, it's my name you'll be screaming tonight," he whispers in my ear. 

I shiver as his hot breath hits my skin. He smells nice, like some sort of forest filled with pines and misty air. His breath smells like mint as he touches his nose to mine. 

"My name is Hunter," he says quietly, grabbing my hand to pull me down the hallway to my room. 

He gently grabs the key from my back pocket, his hand brushing my ass. He winks at me, knowing exactly what he did before he opens the door. 

"Ladies first," he says, stepping out of the way to let me enter the room. 

I smile and thank him. He follows after me, flicking on a light switch and shutting the door. A dim lamp turns on, gently illuminating the room. 

I notice one queen sized bed, neatly made up with black bed sheets. I turn to Hunter and raise an eyebrow, smirking at him. 

"So, this must be the more goth floor, hmm?" I place a hand on my hip, earning a chuckle from him. 

He nods. "It is. Besides, the old man said we could split the floors. So I got the second floor and he got the first. Not that I mind. We can be as loud as we want up here," he lowers his voice, gently backing me to the bed. 

He presses his lips to mine, kissing me roughly. I kiss him back, no hesitation. He grabs my ass, squeezing it roughly. I moan against his mouth, letting his tongue explore. 

He grabs the back of my legs, helping me jump and wraps them around his waist. He turns and pushes me against the wall, kissing me and wasting no time undressing me. 

I sigh, unzipping his leather jacket and pushing it off his shoulders. 

My heart sends a warning to my mind, firing quick shots and images of my time with Yusei. I ditch the thought and kiss Hunter hard, flicking my tongue against his. 

I feel his hands grab my breasts, causing me to moan. I undress the rest of him before breaking the kiss and catching my breath. 

He throws me on the bed so that I'm lying underneath him. He kisses down my chest, sucking on both my nipples before he places his head in between my legs. 

I groan, feeling his warm breath on my clit, his tongue darting into my wet folds. I gasp in surprise at how fast he's moving. Within a couple minutes, I cum hard in his mouth. He sucks and licks me clean, his chest rising and falling as he breathes heavily before he licks his lips and kisses me. 

He positions his hard member against my folds, slamming into me roughly without warning. I groan as I take it; and he praises me. 

"Good girl..." he coos, placing one of his warm hands around my neck. 

His other hand rubs against my clit, sending a tidal wave of pleasure coursing through my body. His thrusts become angled and violent, his hand squeezing around my neck. My mouth hangs open as he thrusts into me. He groans and slaps my ass, making me cry out.  

"Take it! Take it like a good girl..." he whispers to me, slapping my ass again. 

All I do is nod, which makes him smirk. He releases my neck and grabs my ass in both his warm hands. He thrusts so fast, I can feel the bed shake beneath us. I buck my hips, feeling his balls slap against my clit. My skin has become so sensitive, basically anything he does turns me on. 

He hums and smirks down at me. "You like it rough, yeah?" he asks me, gently kissing my neck. 

I think about his question for a second. Do I really? Or is it more pain mixed with the pleasure he's giving me? 

I don't get to find an answer because he thrusts hard into me and cums. I sigh, realizing that he didn't use protection. 

"You owe me the day-after pill..." I say, making sure to look at him. 

He chuckles and nods. "No problem, dear." He kisses me and sighs, gently caressing my ass and back.  "Just so we're on the same page, this was a fling. Not an invitation for a relationship."

I nod. "I understand that." 

He nods and pulls out of me. He stretches and gets dressed. I watch as he zips up his leather jacket. He leaves his shoes untied and goes out the door. He stops in his tracks and turns to me. 

"You can stay here for the night into tomorrow morning. I'll get you that pill." He winks at me. 

I nod and blush. "Thanks." 

He goes out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I notice for the first time there's a set of keys in a small circle dish on the dresser drawer. 

There's also a small handbook. I get up and look at the keys. One is for the room, the other... I'm not sure. The small book is labeled with a pentagram, and has blank pages in it. The only thing written in the very front of the book is: This book belongs to Hunter Elongoose. 

I shrug, and take both the keys and the book. I go out, searching the hallways. 

My destination is to visit Akiza. And I have a plan. 

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