I: With Adulthood Comes Secrets

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[A/N]: I won't do an author's note every chapter, I promise. :D I just wanted to say that I am going to be using Roman Numerals to number my chapters, unless the majority of my readers don't understand them. Thanks! ~ Rose

I sat in the living room, opening my birthday cards I got from my foster mom and dad. My mother's card had flowers on it, decorated with glitter galore. My father's card had a picture of a swing set on it, similar to the one he built for me when I was young. 

I opened the cards, and collected the cash my parents gave me: I got a $50 bill from both of them. I stuck the cash in my pocket, standing up and giving them both a quick hug. 

"Oh! (Y/N), darling,"  My mom called after me. 

I spun on my heel to face her, the laces from my combat boots sliding across the tiled floor.  "Yes?" 

She patted the spot next to her on the black velvet couch.  "Come, sit. We have something important to tell you,"  She informed me, looking at my father, who sighed and sat down next to me. 

"So, as you know, your mother and I used to be scientists,"   My father started. I nodded, as he continued.  "Well, now that you're 18, we both think you should know the truth..." 

"Um, about what?"  I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"About what we did as scientists." 

"Don't tell me you tortured people, or something sick like that,"  I retorted, my heartbeat picking up speed. 

My mom shook her head.  "No, sweetie. That's not it at all. Now, let your father finish." 

"Yes, ma'am,"  I mumbled, turning to face my father again. 

"Your mom and I worked with chemicals. My team and I would mix them, and give them to your mother's team to test. However, on July 7, one of the tests went terribly wrong." 

I shot my head up.  "What? July 7? That's when the energy explosion happened!"  You stood up, as both your parents looked at you. Your brain was on overdrive now, trying to piece together what your parents were trying to tell you.  "Wait... You're saying you were the ones responsible for that explosion?" 

Your father nodded.  "Yes, but it was an accident." 

"A terrible accident,"  Your mother agreed, nodding her head. 

"But- that still means that you both are responsible for the deaths of all those people!"  You exclaimed, trying your best not to yell at your parents. Suddenly, another thought hit you.  "And that means you're responsible for killing Yusei's parents too!!"  You gasped, putting a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from yelling or crying. 

"Woah, (Y/N). Calm down,"  Your father stood up, hugging you close. 

You pushed him away.  "No way! You knew I was friends with Yusei! How come you never told me? Is that why you never liked him?"  You glared at both your foster parents. 

They both sat in silence, trying to get you to calm down. 

"Enough of this! I'm leaving early!"  You grabbed your keys and headed for your bags, which were already packed. 

"Honey, it's almost dark. And where are you going to go?"  Your mom questioned, walking after you. 

"I made reservations for my hotel early, so I guess I can bunk there. I just want to get out of here. I have a life to live and make for myself,"  You said. 

You gathered your bags quickly, and slammed the door behind you, making sure to hear the automatic lock "click". You unlocked the car and threw your bags onto the passenger seat, slamming the driver door, and locking it. 

You started the car, and drove off in a panic, not wanting to hear any excuses or reasoning from your foster parents. You drove until you couldn't see the house anymore. Pulling over to park, you got out your phone from your backpack and dialed Akiza. 

*Ringggg*Ringggg*  "Come on, Aki! Pick up!"

Akiza: *Click* Hello?

(Y/N): Hi, Aki. Are you free right now? 

Akiza: Well, I'm with the twins right now...

(Y/N): That's fine. Is Crow with you? 

Akiza: Yes, but (Y/N)- What's going on?

(Y/N): Can you guys come get me? I promise, I'll explain later.

Akiza: Let me ask Crow and the twins.... [you hear distant talking in the background] Okay, we'll come get you. Send me your location. 

(Y/N): Thanks, Aki! You're the best! 

Akiza: No problem. But you owe me...

(Y/N): I know... I'll go shopping with you...

Akiza: YAY! [you flinched away from the phone as she screamed]

(Y/N): Oh, and Aki? 

Akiza: Hm? 

(Y/N): Can you text Yusei and Jack? I want to meet with all of you to explain.

Akiza: You got it. [in the background: "Crow! Text Yusei and Jack to meet us at the garage!"; Again, you flinched away from the phone]

(Y/N): Okay, see you soon. 

Akiza: Mmhm. Bye. *beep*

*Small time skip*

When Akiza and Crow arrived, you almost got tackled by Leo and Luna. You all laughed it off, and the twins rode with you in the car. You followed Akiza and Crow to the garage, your head still spinning from the newly received information from your foster parents. 

When you arrived with your friends, Jack and Yusei were already there. You ran to Yusei and threw your arms around him. 

"Um, hi (Y/N)..."  He trailed, hugging you back awkwardly.

"Hi. Sorry about that. I promised to explain, so that's why we're all here."  You turned to the group, who were all facing you, waiting to hear your story. 

You took a deep breath and sat down next to Yusei on the makeshift couch.  "Okay, so here we go..."

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