XXII: Calling Me?

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Yusei and I snuggled for a few minutes before falling asleep. We awoke to a sunrise coming through my bedroom window. 

I roll over to face Yusei. His eyes are already on me, and his hands are moving to the small of my back. 

"Hey, love," he smiles, moving his legs so they lace with mine. 

"Hey. Morning," I say, running my fingers through his hair. 

He smiles and runs his warm hands down my back to grab at my ass. I gasp and push his hands away. "Yusei!" 

He looks at me, a playful innocence in his sparkling blue eyes. I frown and give him a look. "You know perfectly well we can't do anything. Especially with the others being home now." 

He nods and runs his hands up my back to playfully twirl my hair. We stay cuddled for a few more minutes before we have to get up. 

"Yusei! (Y/N)! We got to go chase the dark signers again!" Carly yells, knocking on my bedroom door. 

Yusei and I share a look before we get up. Yusei puts on his boxers and pants, grabbing his shirt, gloves, and jacket before he leaves my room - heading to his own. 

I sigh and get dressed, slipping on an outfit that was at the front of my closet. (No, the cigarette is not part of the outfit. Lol.)

I put my hair in a braid, using dry shampoo to get rid of some of the oils

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I put my hair in a braid, using dry shampoo to get rid of some of the oils. I open the door and see Yusei come out of his bedroom. 

He smiles and me and pulls me in to kiss me. I kiss him back and pull away, looking at his outfit. He has on a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans, along with his other signature pieces of clothing. 

"You look nice," I say, snuggling into his chest. 

He chuckles. "Thanks, baby. You look cute today." 

I blush and he smiles at me, grabbing my hand to lead me downstairs to join the others for breakfast. 

                                                                        *time skip*

Once we finish breakfast, we all gather around the living room table. I sat on the floor, my head in Yusei's lap. 

"So, Aki, what did you find?" I ask, tilting my head at her. 

She looks at all of us, Crow sitting next to her. He's not touching her and his grey eyes have a weariness to them. "I managed to track down Daisy," she looks at me, her eyes telling me 'I'm sorry to do this to you'

"And...?" Yusei asks, gesturing for her to continue. 

She sighs. "And she's actually part of another group called the Pentagrams," she says softly, her brown eyes averting to the ground. 

I widen my eyes, looking at Crow. His reaction is something like outrage and surprise. 

"Oh god," I say, putting my head in my hands. "I'm sorry, Akiza. I'm sorry, Crow. I should have done it myself." 

Yusei puts his hand on my back. 

"No, (Y/N), it's okay," Akiza says. "Besides, we agreed for me to do it."

"Yes, but..." I look up. "I think Crow deserves an apology from me." I look at him, his grey eyes softening. 

"Don't worry about it, (Y/N). It's fine. You decided what was best, and I just have to live with it." He crosses his arms, his legs not touching Akiza's as he shifts on the couch. 

I look at him. "Crow, it's not fine. You should have had more of a say in it. I know you love Aki, and I understand you want to protect her from falling back into the sorcery and dangers of witch craft." 

Akiza looks at me and nods. "That's exactly what I was going to say, (N/N)." She turns to Crow, who sits back, still avoiding her. "Crow, baby. We need to talk afterwards." 

He nods once, looking at the ground to avoid anyone else's gaze. 

We continue to talk, Yusei holding me close to him every time Daisy's name is mentioned. Jack gives me a look, sometimes narrowing his eyes at Yusei when we talk about Daisy. 

"We need a plan. How in the world do you think we're going to convince Daisy to tell us her secrets and trust us?" Carly speaks up, looking at Akiza, me, and then Yusei. 

Yusei and I exchange a glance, and then look at Akiza. 

"Um, well, we only have three options, Carly," I state. "I can go undercover and pretend to be interested in witch craft and join Daisy. Or Akiza could do the same." I look at her and see her nod, but Crow stands up. 

"No way!" He exclaims, furious. "Babe, you've already done enough to help. I'm not letting you just waltz into a dark and dangerous place we don't even know about." His hands are in fists at his sides, and his grey eyes burn with an intense anger. 

Akiza sighs and stands up. "We should talk now, Crow." She goes to grab his hand but he pulls back. Shaking her head, she leads him outside, closing the door behind her. 

We all stay silent for a few seconds, hearing yelling between the couple. 

"Anyways," I start, trying to avoid eavesdropping. "The third option would be for Yusei to go back to Daisy..." I say, stealing a glance at him. 

He shakes his head. "No way. Not after what I've learned about her." He crosses his arms, looking at me with a burning plea in his eyes. "Besides baby, I love you and I'm not going to risk our relationship." 

I blush slightly, before looking at him. "Yusei, Crow has a point. Akiza has done a lot to help us out." 

"Well, I feel kind of awful that we haven't helped much," Carly says, earning a glare from Jack. 

"So what? It's not like I want you to fall back into some dark group. I'm not going to risk that again. You've been through enough of that already," He snaps, looking at Carly with his amethyst eyes ablaze. 

I sigh. It seems like this is going nowhere. Everyone seems to be getting upset. What was the dragon's purpose of bringing us together if we're only going to tear each other apart? 

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