X: Reunited [Part I]

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Yusei drove us home, slowing down as he pulled into the garage. He had to shake me a bit, as I almost fell asleep. 

He smiles at me, as he takes my hand and helps me off of his runner.  "Woah there!"  He exclaims, as I fall forward into him. 

"Sorry,"  I mutter, blushing.  "I'm just tired. Not like being held prisoner in a cell is very comfortable,"  I continue, earning a chuckle from him. 

"I understand,"  He nods, giving me his arm. 

I take it as we walk into the living room. Yusei lets go of my arm, as Akiza runs towards me, embracing me in a tight hug. 

"I'm so glad you're okay!"  She says, as she squeezes me tighter. I tap her arm and she pulls away.  "Haha, right, sorry,..."  She trails, averting her brown eyes to the floor. 

"So, where's Jack and Crow? Oh, and Carly?"  I ask, looking at Aki. 

She sighs and looks up at me.  "Carly's in Jack's room, trying to recover from her dark signer phase. And Jack is being stubborn and won't take any pain killer."  Akiza rolls her eyes as she says this.  "And Crow is right behind you,"  She adds, smirking. 

"Aw! Come on, Aki! You ruined it!"  He pouts, frowning as I turn around. 

"Hi there!"  I wave, as he waves back. 

I yawn, covering my mouth with the back of my hand.  "I should go to bed. We can chat tomorrow,"  I say, as Yusei wraps his arm around my shoulders. 

Aki nods.  "Off to bed, you two,"  She says, motioning for me and Yusei to go upstairs. 

I roll my (Y/E/C) eyes playfully.  "And you two need to go to bed as well,"  I retort, glancing at Crow and Akiza cuddling at the bottom of the stairs. 

"We will. Don't worry!"  She smiled up at me before turning her attention back to Crow. 

Yusei shakes his head, grabbing my hand and leading me to his bedroom. I shut the door, locking it in case any dark signers come after us. I walk to a corner of Yusei's room, slipping my "borrowed" boots off, along with my socks. Yusei must have taken off his gloves and jacket - when I turn around, he's in his tank top, showing off his muscular arms. 

I collapse onto the bed, barely leaving any room for Yusei.  "Hey!"  He says, pushing me playfully.  "Scoot over." 

I hum softly as I turn on my side, letting him lie down on the bed. He trails sweet kisses down my neck before he pulls away. I feel him move and I turn to face him. He takes off his shirt, leaving me a blushing mess as I avert my eyes. 

He grabs my chin, placing his warm fingers under it.  "Hey, look at me."  I shift my gaze to his sapphire eyes, and instantly find myself getting lost in them.  "Like what you see?"  He smirks, pulling away so my eyes can scan his body. 

I blush and look away, ignoring his question.  "Do you have a shirt I could use for pajamas?"  I ask instead, standing up on the other side of the bed. 

He nods and tosses me a loose T-shirt... but due to my height, the T-shirt lands on my head.  "Thanks,"  I mumble, pulling the T-shirt off my head and fixing my hair. 

He chuckles.  "No problem, love." 

I turn around so I'm facing the wall and start to change. I slip the gigantic sweater over my head, throwing it into the corner with my boots. I replace it with the baggy T-shirt, leaving my shorts on. When I turn around, I catch Yusei staring at me. 

I raise an eyebrow and smirk.  "May I help you, sir?"  I walk to the bed, lying down as I face him. 

He shakes his head.  "Nope. Just wanted to say I love you,"  He says, gently running his thumb over my cheek and down across my lips. 

I smile.  "I love you too." 

He pulls me closer, and we fall asleep cuddled like that. 

                    *time skip, brought to you by BBT*

I woke up in Yusei's warm embrace. Rolling to face him, I gently brush a strand of his bangs out of his face. I sigh in relief as I don't wake him up. Instead, he sighs at my touch, making me smile. 

I steal a glance at the clock on his wall: it's only 7:20 in the morning. I frown, looking at the window as I notice a ray of sunlight coming in. 

Yusei starts to stir, getting my attention. My (Y/E/C) eyes land on his tan skin, and his sapphire eyes open. He hums softly.  "Morning, love,"  He reaches out to touch my face. 

"Morning, Yus,"  I reply, resting my hand on his arm.  "How did you sleep?" 

"Better now that I have you back,"  He replies, smirking. 

I roll my eyes.  "Oh really? Did you end up pulling an all-nighter when I was gone?"  I raise an eyebrow, earning a soft smile from Yusei. 

"You know I did. I can't sleep when I know someone I love or care for is in danger,"  He reminds me, as he gently runs his fingers through my (Y/H/L) hair.  "But now that you're in my arms, everything is better." 

I blush at his cheesy comment, snuggling close to him.  "You think the others are awake yet?"  I ask, my voice muffled since my face is buried in Yusei's chest. 

I feel him shrug.  "Beats me. We could go check,..."  He trails. 

I shake my head.  "No. I want to stay here." 

He chuckles.  "Okay." 

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