XI: Mishap

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We all rode to the bridge connecting Neo City and Satellite. My wheels screeched and I smelt the familiar sent of burning rubber. 

"Why, hello again,"  Kalin spoke, a dark aura around him.  "Took you all long enough. I thought you weren't going to come." 

His cape swished around his feet, as he stepped closer.  "Hands off, or you'll be under custody for harassment,"  I warn him, slapping his ice-cold hand away. 

"Oh?"  He raises an eyebrow and laughs.  "I don't see any law enforcement here, honey,"  He chuckles, stepping even closer. 

"Oh, really? Did you forget I was part of the force?"  Crow says, stepping forward to show his badge. 

Kalin scowls.  "Fine then. Down to business,"  He steps over to his duel runner, opening the small so-called trunk. 

The same blonde from when I was in the dungeon appears beside him, wearing the dark signers glowing mark. 

"Did you bring my shoes back?"  She asks me, her once blue eyes now black with evil. 

I shrug.  "Why does it matter? You seem to have clothes,"  I nod towards her outfit: all black and a trench coat to match. 

She scoffs at me.  "And here I thought you were the good guys,"  She rolls her dark eyes and steps aside. 

I roll my (Y/E/C) eyes in turn, and go to my duel runner. I open the small compartment and pull out her pair of combat boots.  "Is this what you wanted, blondie?"  I ask, causing her to spin around. 

"Yes! Give them here!"  She stalks towards me, holding her hand out. 

"Not even a please? And besides, I don't know your name,"  I retort, letting the pair of boots dangle from my hands. 

"You should know dark signers don't do manners. And my name is Alma,"  She crosses her arms defiantly, glaring at me. 

"That's all I needed. Here you go,"  I toss the boots at her feet, and watch in amusement as she scrambles to pick them up. 

Suddenly, someone's phone rings. We all look around. Akiza pulls out her phone from her jumper and a look of worry crosses her pale features.  "It's Carly."  She turns to answer it, her voice fading off into the distance. 

"Now, here's the deal I propose: you guys simply turn a blind eye while I get to smuggle in whatever I want." 

"You must be really stupid to think that we'd say yes to that asinine idea,"  I say, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. 

"Yeah, what she said,"  Crow agrees, pointing his thumb at me with a nod. 

"Oh, maybe not when you hear what your girlfriend has to say,"  The dark signer leader retorts, tilting his head in Akiza's direction. 

"Guys, it's Carly. She said the mark on her arm hasn't gone away, and..."  She swallowed, looking at me with worry in her big brown eyes.  "And the dark signers can control her still." 

Our eyes widen as we turn to Kalin. He's got a sickening grin on his face, and his eyes of darkness pierce into mine. 

I rip my gaze away, and look back at the group.  "So, any ideas?" 

"Yes, I say two of us go back to help Carly. That leaves two of us to deal with Kalin and his freak show,"  Crow states, earning a yell of outrage from Kalin. 

"This is no freak show, bird boy!" 

Crow rolls his eyes and turns back to us.  "Girls, do want to go back to check on Carly?"  His blue-grey eyes shifted to Akiza and me. 

We looked at each other.  "But, what about you guys? I don't think it's a good idea to leave you two here..."  She looks up at me, her face paling. 

"I agree. Besides, I think Jack has such a temper, he can at least control her for now."  I look at the guys, not sure what else to say. 

"Oh, there's will be no need for any of you to go anywhere,"  A familiar female voice says. 

We all look up and are greeted by none other than Carly in her dark signer form. 

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