XIII: Thief in the Night/Thick as Thieves

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The time flew by while Alexander and I talked. Once we had our plan finalized, we started to chat just to get to know each other. Apparently, he had met Yusei before when Yusei was thrown into the Facility. He also mentioned that Yusei had dueled Tanner to show him that any deck has value, no matter what level or type it is. 

"Here's your dinner,"  Alma spoke, sliding a rusted metal tray of bread, a cup of soup, and water underneath the bars. She shot me a dirty look before she turned to Alexander.  "And here's yours, Alex,"  She said sweetly, batting her eyelashes.  "I also brought you some honey for your bread, but don't tell the others."  She put a finger to her lips as she winked at him, turning her back to me. 

She waltzed up the stairs, her footsteps fading as I held back a gag. Alexander turned his attention to me, laughing softly.  "You look thoroughly disgusted. It's okay, you don't have to hold in your comments or remarks,"  He laughs again, this time looking at me. 

I nod.  "Well, all I can say is ugh!"  I reply, opening my mouth and doing the motion of gagging myself with my index finger. 

He laughs even more, leaning against the bars. His laughter reminds me of a mix between Crow's and Yusei's. 

I smile, shifting my legs so that they rest crossed in front of me.  "Say, why does she address you as Alex?"  I inquire, his laughter dying down.

He shrugs.  "Just to get on my nerves since I don't know her... But you can call me Alex too. After all, it's what everyone shortens my name to. Heck, even Yusei called me Alex,"  He adds, smiling softly. 

I nod.  "Okay then. Cheers, Alex,"  I say, picking up my cup of water. 

"Cheers (Y/N),"  He replies, raising his glass to me. He smells it first and takes a sip.  "Wait! Don't drink it yet,"  He stops me just as my lips touch the rim of the tin cup. 

"Huh? Why?"  I ask, lowering the cup and holding out to him. 

He smells it and wrinkles his nose.  "Here, smell it. But don't drink it,"  He gently pushes my hand back towards me. 

I smell it and I instantly pull the cup away from my nose. I gasp.  "Ew, what is that?"  I ask, fanning the air in front of my nose. 

"That,"  he says, pointing to the cup I set in front of me.  "..is a mild poison. It wouldn't kill you, but it would make you sick for a few days. They did that to me the first week I was placed in here. But after the first day, I stopped drinking the water they provided. I now smell my water every time they bring me some." 

I nod.  "Well, thank you for saving me from some misery." 

He nods.  "Here, let's get rid of this,"  He takes ahold of my cup and brings it carefully through the bars. He then dumps the contents down another drain I hadn't seen before. As if he senses my question, he looks at me, setting the cup down near the bars.  "That drain is where the animals used to go to relieve themselves. This used to be a stable at one point in history,"  He replies, earning a nod from me. 

There he goes again with his historical talks. Not that I mind. It gives me more information about the place, and how to navigate my way through it when we plan to initiate our escape. 

We eat in silence: the soup is cold and the bread is stale, but at least there's no mold on it. Our chit-chat dies down to a whisper talk, and the cold air of the night starts to creep in. 

Eventually, Kalin comes downstairs, holding two pillows: one under each arm. He's got blankets draped over his arms, complete with a stone cold expression.  "Here you two go,"  He drops a pillow and blanket in front of each of our cells.  "Just because we're dark signers doesn't mean we want dead prisoners,"  He smiles evilly and I shiver. 

"Now, nighty night,"  He sing-songs, waving mockingly to Alex and me. He then waltzes up the stairs like Alma did, humming a sickening tune. 

Alex looks at me, his grey-green eyes laced with worry.  "Did you know that song he was humming?"  He asks, tilting his head of dark blonde hair, his gaze never leaving my (Y/S/C) face. 

I nod.  "Yes. It's a song from a childhood movie. And it's a rather dark song,"  I reply, looking down and clasping my hands in my lap.  "It's called 'Hanging Tree' from a movie I watched as a child,"  I explain, fiddling with my hands. 

He nods.  "Well, I won't pressure you about it. Instead, it's our time to escape,"  He says, smirking slyly at me. 

I nod, watching him grab the map and a couple small cloth bags from piles of straw. 

"You are very organized,"  I observe, smiling at him.  

He shrugs.  "Force of habit. Anyway, here's your bag of supplies,"  He slides me the other cloth bag underneath the bars. 

I grab it and open it. I have a couple loaves of bread he must have saved, some straw that was woven together into a... I actually don't know what that is. I pull it out and ask Alex. 

"That? Oh, that's to use as a mask or face covering. Just because I said it didn't seem dirty down there doesn't mean it won't be,"  He explains, slinging the cloth bag around his shoulders using rope that he had hid somewhere. 

"You really thought this through, didn't you?"  I ask, raising an eyebrow. 

He chuckles and nods. 

"Okay, so then if you thought all of it through, how am I supposed to even get to the pipe system, hmm?"  I smirk, tilting my head. 

"Not to worry, mi' lady,"  He says, smiling at me with those straight teeth.  "Just simply slide underneath the bars." 

I laugh.  "You've got to be kidding. I won't fit through there! And don't think I'm going to try either,"  I add, still smiling. 

"You didn't even hear me out,"  He huffs, smiling all the while.  "The bars lift about a foot off the ground, so I think you'll be able to fit through."  He puts both his hands underneath the bar and lifts, leaving a space about two and a half feet wide. 

I raise my eyebrows.  "Wow, you really did think everything through." 

"Just shut up and slide under it already,"  He grunts, his face turning a bit pink from holding the heavy iron bars. 

I nod and roll under the bars, immediately greeted with a loud "clank" sound afterwards. Alex huffs and cleans his hands off, dust floating in the air. 

He sighs, puffing his cheeks as he takes a deep breath.  "Okay, now do you want me to go first? Or did you want to?"  He asks, looking down the dark hole. 

"You can go,"  I smirk, helping him to push the straw away. 

He nods and puts his legs into the gaping hole in the floor. From this vantage point, I can now tell that a human could actually fit down there. I waited for Alex to call up to me, and then slid my legs in first, using my hands to cover up the hole with some straw so they wouldn't know which way we'd escaped from. 

Alex and I crawl through the cold metal contraption, a cough here and there from some dirt or dust left behind. 

I sigh to myself as I kept on crawling, the darkness meeting my (Y/E/C) eyes. I thought of Yusei, and the tracker he gave me. I hoped he'd figure out that I was escaping on my own. 

All I could do was hope as I crawled through the pipe system with Alex, the cold night wind blowing through it. 

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