XXXXII: A New Friend

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I drove until the sun began to set. I then noticed a bike pull off down a dirt road. I frown and follow them, seeing a flash of orange. I thought it was Crow, but I guess I'll find out soon enough. 

They slow their bike and it rumbles to a stop. They remove their dark helmet, revealing none other than Crow. I smile and pull up next to him. I take my helmet off as he looks up, confused. 

"Oh, (Y/N),"  he greets, nodding a bit.  "Did the others send you out to find me?"  He asks, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks away and sniffles a bit. 

I shake my head.  "No... actually, Yusei broke up with me... so I left,"  I say softly, looking away as the wind blows my (Y/H/L) hair. 

His jaw dropped in surprise at his friend's actions (like the picture above). I widen my eyes at his response, as his jaw opens and closes with no words or sounds. He finally shakes his head and looks at me, sadness in his eyes. 

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry to hear that, (Y/N),"  he stands up, placing his helmet in the small compartment of his bike before he hugs me. 

I hug him back, silent tears falling from my eyes. He hugs me tighter. We stand there for a few minutes... I feel wet tears soak my shoulder, but I don't mind. I hold him tight as he and I cry in each other's arms. 

As the sun fully sets over small hills, Crow and I finally let go and wipe our tears, sharing an awkward smile. I finally notice that we're standing in front of a small hotel. I shrug, knowing I'll probably not have enough money at all to pay for it...

Crow sees me hesitate at the dark brown wooden door, looking at me.  "Hey," he says softly, making me look up. "I can pay. We'll just stay a night here... And maybe go somewhere else... I don't know..."  He trails off, looking down as he rubs the back of his neck again. 

I widen my (Y/E/C) eyes.  "But- no. Crow, I can't let you pay full price for me. That's not fair..." 

"Of course it is. We're friends. We support each other. And besides, I doubt you packed your things up like I did before storming out..."  He looks at me sideways, a stupid, playful smile plastered on his lips. 

I roll my eyes.  "Well, true... But I'm paying you back, so keep the receipt,"  I say, giving him a sassy look. 

He chuckles and opens the door.  "Fine. But a friend of mine owns this place, so I bet he'll give us a discount."  With that, Crow opens the door and it swings open. 

We both step inside, and I am greeted with the smell of fresh forest greens. It smells like a welcoming place, lit with fake candles and dim chandeliers. I notice the big elk and deer heads mounted on the wood walls, staring back at me. I shiver a bit before I tear my gaze away and look at the counter in front of me. It's made of oak, and it polished to a fine, glistening finish. 

"Hello,"  a male voice greets, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I snap my head to the source of the voice. A tall male stands behind the counter, dressed in a dark blue, three piece suit. He has a golden chain that I'm guessing is a pocket watch across his chest. His pale skin seems almost eerie in the dim light. I lock eyes with him, almost gasping at the odd color of them: silvery-grey. He runs a hand through his dark blonde hair. 

"Hello,"  he greets again, nodding to me. 

I nod and greet back. 

"How may I be of service, Crow?"  He turns his attention to Crow, who asks for a room with two beds. 

The man nods and pulls two room keys from off the cork board pressed against the wall of the cabin. He turns around, setting the keys down with a soft clink.  "Okay, well, since you've told me about your situation, I will give you your room for free tonight." 

Crow widens his grey eyes, shaking his head.  "No way, man. I have to give you a little something to support the business."  Crow pushes five dollars towards the slim male.  "I insist." 

The other male sighs, sliding the money back to Crow.  "I will take half. Because you're a good friend of mine, and I know you're hurting right now... Both of you."  He looks at me, his silvery eyes making my head spin a bit. 

I shake my head a bit, coming back to my senses.  "Wait. How do you know I'm hurting now?... And what if I'm not...?"  I ask slowly, stepping forward to stand beside Crow. 

The blonde sighs and looks at me again.  "Crow told me while you were looking around.. or zoned out. Oh, I'm Zander by the way. Short for Alexander II." 

I nod, raising my eyebrows out of surprise.  "Nice to meet you. I'm (Y'N), if Crow didn't tell you already,"  I hold my hand out to shake his. 

Instead of shaking it, he turns it over - palm down - and kisses the back of my hand, bowing his head.  "Pleasure to meet you, young lady." 

I nod and bow my head a bit.  "The pleasure is mine, Zander."  I say, smiling softly. 

He smiles back, placing his palm over the two dollars and fifty cents Crow gave him. He slides me one of the room keys.  "Here you are,... and here you are,"  he slides the other key to Crow. 

We both thank him and go to our assigned room: room A2. Crow unlocks the door for me, and flicks on the light. 

It's a small but cozy room. [see picture below]

I sigh as I close the door, slipping off my shoes before throwing myself on the bed farthest from the door

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I sigh as I close the door, slipping off my shoes before throwing myself on the bed farthest from the door. Crow doesn't complain. Instead, he slips his shoes off and sets them neatly on the floor at the foot of the bed. 

He climbs into bed, diving under the covers like a shy child. 

"Crow? You good?"  I ask, smirking and raising an eyebrow. 

I see his head go up and down in a nod.  "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just-"  he cuts himself off before shuffling around for a few seconds. He pops out from under the covers, holding up his clothes.  "I was changing, but I wanted to give you privacy. And it'd be awkward..."  he clears his throat and looks away before tossing his clothes over the foot of the wooden bed frame. 

I widen my eyes and nod.  "Well, thank you. I appreciate it."  I say, a bit shocked that someone who usually seems clueless could actually care. 

I don't bother to undress, instead I throw myself underneath the covers and say good night to Crow. He mumbles a good night and flicks the lights off, instantly out cold. 

I sigh and smile softly. What a day... Now, time to get some sleep...

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