XXXX: A Calling [Part III]

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I gasp, backing away and touching the wall behind me. I grip the metal object tighter, using it to keep distance between me and the red eyed thing. 

I glare at it, grabbing another metal object. I steady my shaky hands and try to act fierce. 

"Don't come near me!" I command, my voice firm and steady. 

The red pair of eyes just blink at me. Once.... twice... three times. And then, they're gone. 

The lights come back on, making me squint my eyes and drop one of the metal objects. I flinch at the loud sound and roll my eyes. "Great, (Y/N), give yourself away," I think, gently putting the objects away. 

I find a small rack of swords, and decide to take one, fastening one of the belts around my waist. I sheath a sword that has a silvery glow to it. On the handle, small sapphires accent the ornate quillon and guard. I shrug, and think of Yusei. 

I shake my head to clear the thoughts, reminding myself I have to get out of here and get back to him. 

I reach for the door knob, but I stop when a sharp pain hits me. I grab my left forearm and notice the signer mark is glowing. I furrow my eyebrows and the mark starts to dim. 

What the hell? 

"(Y/N)!" Someone calls my name, and I spin around to meet a cloud of red smoke. 

I wave my hands in the air, clearing the smoke as I cough. The voice calls my name again and I instantly recognize it as Yusei's voice. 

I spin around again, running into Yusei's arms. I jump and throw my arms around his neck. He catches my legs as I wrap them around him and chuckles. 

"Well, hello to you too," he smirks at me, pecking my lips. 

I gently grab a fistful of his soft hair and keep his lips on mine. I missed him so much! We kiss for a while until someone clears their throat. Yusei sets me down, and grabs my hand. 

"So this is who you're with?" Thaniel asks, scoffing as he throws a look of disgust at me and Yusei.  "Not an upgrade, babe."  He looks me up and down, making Yusei clench his fists. 

I step in front of Yusei and draw my sword.  "Come any closer, and I will chop your head off,"  I warn, backing up as Yusei grabs my wrist to pull me to the exit. 

Thaniel scowls at me, summoning a ball of some black matter in the palm of his hand. Yusei pulls me backwards faster, but I trip and fall back into him. 

Yusei catches me in his strong arms, gently placing me back on my feet. I smile back at him before I turn an icy glare at the boy following me. 

I swing the sword: once, twice and he backs off. Yusei pulls me through the door, but a flash of light makes me flinch and fall back into his arms once again. 

My (Y/E/C) eyes are met with darkness and I squeeze them shut as I feel a strong wind around us. Yusei's embrace is tight and I nuzzle my face into his chest. In a few seconds, we are greeted by warmth and sunlight. 

"What was that?" I ask, when I finally gain my balance back. 

Yusei's sapphire eyes soften as he fixes his gaze on me. "It was a portal, courtesy of the Crimson Dragon. The dragon helped me find you." He grabs my shoulders tightly, pulling me in to place a kiss on my temple. 

I smile softly, pulling back just enough to kiss his lips. He holds me close, his hands resting on the small of my back. His lips move in sync with mine and I sigh in relief. 

I finally get to be close to him again. It feels like days or weeks since I've last been with him. 

I pull away, a question lodging itself in my brain. "How long was I gone for?" I ask softly, resting my forehead against his. 

He sighs, inhaling deeply. "You were gone for a month," he replies softly, closing his eyes. 

I widen my (Y/E/C) eyes in return. "No way!" I gasp, my lips parted in disbelief. 

He nods once, his eyes averting to avoid my gaze. I sigh, and hug him. 

"Well, at least we're reunited once again," I say, making him smile softly. 

He nods, the golden highlights in his hair shimmering slightly in the sunlight. "Yes, at least." 

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