XVIII: Together for Good? [Part I]

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I looked at Yusei, my heart pounding so loud, I thought he would hear it. I could feel tension in the air still, and my feet told me to run out of his room as fast as I could. But instead, I calmly offered to go downstairs and cuddle on the couch. He made me (Y/F/D - your favorite drink) and that was currently where you were: snuggled together on the couch, sipping your drink. 

No matter how much I tried to keep my mind blank, it kept popping random but scary thoughts into my head. Like when you want to go to sleep, but some horror movie and its images pops into your head, leaving you wide awake. 

Thoughts about Yusei. My internal dialog was like a warzone: 

Was he using me? No, he'd never do that. But you don't know that. Not for certain, but I know him well enough. Would he force himself on to me? No, stop. Come on! Think about it. He might. The way he acted in his room with you a few moments ago...

I downed the rest of my drink, leaning forward out of his warm embrace to set my mug on the table in front of me. I stayed like that, missing his warmth but also being cautious. As if he was reading my thoughts, he shifted away from me, our legs no longer touching. 

"Yusei,"  I start, looking at him.  "Can we talk?"  I turn to face him, my leg against his once again. 

He nods.  "What about?" 

"About us. I know I shouldn't be worried, but..."  I twiddle my fingers, nervous as I tear my gaze away.  "I have so many thoughts that are against you..."  I sigh, and his face twists into confusion.  "What I mean is that I know you wouldn't try anything with me. You proved it when we were in your room. But my thoughts are too loud, and they keep doubting you,"  I explain, watching him, as I lean back - making space between us. 

I gaze into his blue eyes as he stays silent. I see fury, then concern, then something like hurt. It's like I can almost see the gears turning in his head, processing how he'll handle this situation. "(Y/N), I understand how your thoughts are consuming. I get that myself. But it's different with you,"  He looks at me and grabs my hands, his palms sweaty.  "I don't ever want to hurt you. I just want to pleasure you, to show you how much I love you..."  He looks away, his bangs falling in his face.  "That's what I'm used to in past relationships. But I can tell from what happened up there-"  He gestures upstairs to his room.  "That you are not used to that. So tell me, what did you expect from past relationships, and how can I help show you I love you?"  He asks, looking at me through his black hair. 

I smile softly at him, brushing his bangs out of his face. He leans into my caress, closing his eyes at my touch.  "Well, for starters, sex was never involved in any of my relationships." 

He looks up at me, his eyes wide.  "You mean to say you've had several?"  His voice is laced with a bit of worry, and I can see jealousy rise in his blue eyes. 

I nod.  "Yes, I have. If two counts as several,"  I raise an eyebrow and earn a dry chuckle from him. 

He shakes his head.  "No, no. Two is not several. You had me worried is all."  He looks away, a blush rising to his usually tan and fair skin. 

I smile and touch his cheek again, gently brushing his hair out of his face again.  "And I'm a person who likes to give my time and small gifts to show that I love someone... What about you?"  I turn my attention to him, his blue eyes now bright. 

"I've had two past relationships as well. Contrary to yours, sex was involved in both of them." 

I feel my skin crawl and a shiver run through my spine as he looks at me. I feel a pang of jealousy stab at my heart, and wonder as to who these two past women were. I can feel his eyes search my face, but I leave my expression stone cold. 

I will not let him see how this affects me. 

"And, like you, I show love to others both through giving my time and small gifts. But I only give small gifts on occasion. I also show love physically, if you know what I'm getting at."  I can hear the smirk on his face as he says that, but I don't look up to meet his wandering gaze. 

Instead, I give a glare as I look up to meet his sapphire eyes, my jaw clenched in a defiant manner.  "I'm not stupid, Yusei."  I state, raising an eyebrow back at him.  "And it seems to me you've become quite cocky in the past few minutes." 

He chuckles, squeezing my hand.  "You're right, love. I'm sorry."  He turns his face away again, his eyes stopping to stare at the blank wall. 

"So, mind telling me who these past lucky women were?"  I ask, smirking at him. 

He returns the smirk, his gaze falling to my lips before he meets my eyes again.  "No one you would know I presume. But one was a girl by the name of Daisy, and the other, Lily." 

"Oh, so you like flowers, huh?"  I tease, smirking at him and I shift to sit next to him.

He laughs.  "I guess that's a strange coincidence." 

My smile falls, and a memory consumes my brain like a tidal wave. I remembered meeting a girl named Daisy a long time ago. It was when I was only a child - heck, in daycare even. She had hair like the sun - golden and flowy. Her skin was like a porcelain doll. Her lips were thin but colored like a fresh tulip: pink and soft. 

"Daisy's last name wasn't Tiffin, was it?"  I ask slowly, watching his face as my eyes suddenly feel dry. 

He nods.  "It was. Why, did you know her?"  His eyes scan my face.

I scoff.  "Know her? Oh, I knew her alright. I knew more about her than I'm sure she's ever told you."  I say, feeling powerful now that I have this valuable information in my hands.  "Say, how long were you two together?" 

He looks at me, his eyes narrowing a fraction.  "We were together for about a year. Why?"  He questions, his grip on my hands tightening in a fierce manner. 

"Because I know where she is. And I know about her past."


[A/N]: I don't usually like cliffhangers, but I had to put one here. It causes more character development. :)

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