III: Adventure or Risk? [Part I]

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After I checked on Aki, I went back to see Yusei. I sat on his bed, resting my head on his strong shoulder. Weirdly enough, when the clock hit 6 pm, the Signer sign on my arm began to glow. 

"Um, Yusei,"  I said, sitting up to show him my glowing wing "tattoo".  "What's going on?" 

He sat up and pushed his jacket sleeve up, revealing his glowing signer sign too.  "I have no idea." 

We looked at each other, and the next moment, we were scrambling around our childhood house, gathering the signers once again. 

I burst into my bedroom, calling Akiza's name. She was already on her feet, holding her arm - her hand covering the glowing mark. 

"Are you okay, Aki?"  I asked, going over to her. 

She nodded.  "Just a bit surprised is all. Talk about a rude awakening,"  She giggled as she and I shared a smile. 

We ran down the stairs, joining Crow, Jack, Yusei, and the twins. 

I scanned the room, my eyes falling on each of the current signers: Jack, Crow, Akiza, Yusei, and then me.  My mind flooded me with a flashback: 

"It hurts!"  Luna cried, tears running down her innocent and pale face. I nodded.  "Is there anything we can do for her?"  I asked Yusei, worry evident in his sapphire eyes. He shook his head.  "I don't think so,..."  Akiza gasped, as she stood up from her crouching position next to Luna.  "Wait! I think Luna could possibly transfer her powers to someone she trusts. They just can't be a signer,"  the red head spoke, pursing her red lips.  Luna looked up at said female, her eyes filled with hope. "Really?! But who would I give this power to? All of you guys are signers..." She trailed sadly. "Except me," I responded, rubbing the seafoam-haired girl's back. "Oh yeah!" She chimed happily. "But I don't want to transfer this pain to you. If I hurt you, I would never forgive myself...." I sighed. "Luna honey, I'll be fine. You carried the sign with honor, but if it hurts you that bad, I will gladly take the pain away from you," I said softly, giving her my best smile. She nodded. "Okay." [end flashback]

I got snapped back to reality when Akiza called my name.  "Hey (Y/N)! Earth to (Y/N)! Are you okay?" 

I snapped my eyes up to look at the concerned faces of my friends. I nodded.  "I'm fine. Just thinking." 

Jack scoffed.  "Now is not the best time to be daydreaming, (Y/N)." 

"I am not!"  I shot back, glaring at him. 

"Whatever. I say you were."  Jack retorted, a smirk crossing his lips. 

"Shut up,"  I mumbled. 

"Oh break it up already,"  Crow sighed, earning a smile from Akiza. 

"So, when will the Crimson Dragon show up to tell us what we need to do this time?"  Yusei spoke, changing the subject. 

We shrugged.  "I hope it's soon, though,"  I responded, moving to stand next to Luna and Leo. 

As if on cue, a rumbling shook the house, and the loose objects rattled on the shelves and tables. A red aura surrounded the seven of us, bringing with it the infamous Crimson Dragon. 

{to be continued...}


[A/N]: I don't normally like cliffhangers, but I am super busy this week. So this chapter will be in two or more parts. Sorry! Also, FYI: I try to update on weekdays only. Weekends are my time to relax. :)

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