VII: Separation [Part II]

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I arrived at the bridge first, my tires squealing against the pavement. Yusei followed after me, then Akiza, then Crow. Crow had Jack on the back of his runner, in a terrible state with bruises and dried blood on his usually flawless face. 

Kalin followed right behind us, but with two other people. One of which was Jack's girlfriend, Carly. Jack hadn't noticed yet, but I knew he would sooner or later. And when he did...

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.  "Okay, Kalin. You know how a duel works. So..."  I pressed a button on my runner, engaging the dueling setting. 

I revved my engine, secretly loving the fact that I got to ride my (Y/F/C) duel runner again. I readied my deck, and drove off, making my first lap around the race track.  "Okay! Like I said before Kalin, ladies first! And you'll regret chasing the Crimson Leaders!"  I drew a card, smirking. 

"Not so fast! In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a lady too,"  Carly spoke up, her voice now dark and sinister.  "I draw! First, I'll summon Fortune Lady of Fire! With that, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn! Kalin, you're up!"  Her eyes were dark as she looked at Kalin, who smiled evilly.   

"Very good, my puppet. I'll summon Infernity Beetle to the field. Next, I'll bring out Infernity Archfiend! You're up, ghost master!"  Kalin said, as he revved his runner to go speeding faster than mine. 

I growled and sent a glare to Kalin. The so called ghost master spoke up, his voice shockingly similar to Kalin's.  "Of course, master. Now, I draw! First, I'll call Dark Tinker to the field! With that, I'll end my turn!" 

"Okay! Enough of this! I draw! First, I'll call Queen's Double to the field! Next, I'll play the spell card, Soul Absorption! Now, Queen's Double, attack the ghost master directly!" 

The twin of Kalin skidded off course for a few seconds before regaining his balance. His life points dropped to 3650, as I finished my turn. 

"Okay, my turn!"  Akiza drew a card, and smiled.  "First, I'll bring out Rose Lover. Next, I'll summon Evil Thorn! Finally, I'll send Evil Thorn in for an attack: attack Fortune Lady of Fire!" 

Carly lost 100 life points, resulting in a total of 3900. My life points went up to 4500, thanks to the effects of Soul Absorption.

"Okay! I'm up!"  Yusei yelled, drawing a card.  "First, I'll start by summoning Speed Warrior to the field. I'll use the spell card Junk Barrage to equip it to my monster. Now, I'll send him in for an attack: attack Dark Tinker!"  The ghost master's life points went down to 3500, as mine in turn, went up to 5000. A second attack rained down on him, dropping his life points to 3000.  "With that, I'll end my turn. Crow, you're up, my man!" 

Crow nodded.  "I draw! I'll summon my Jetstream the Blue Sky monster! Next, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn!" 

I felt my head spin as I circled around the race track. Kalin's words became a blur and I felt like I was falling. The sound of my name being called shook me from whatever state I was in.  "(Y/N)! Your turn!"  Yusei called, his runner right beside mine. 

I smiled.  "Sorry, just thinking. I draw! I call my Phantom King to the field. With that, I'll call Exiled Force to join him! By sending Exiled Force to the graveyard, I can target one monster on the field and destroy it. I target Kalin's Infernity Destroyer!"  I smirked as my life points went up to 5500, earning a surprised sound from Kalin.  "I'll then sacrifice my Phantom to summon Mother Spider! I throw down a facedown, and end my turn!" 

*time skip, because writing a dueling scene is killing me!!*

Jack finally awoke when Crow got attacked. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, trying to reason with Carly. Not like it helped much. 

We managed to take out the ghost master, and Carly was hanging on by only 100 life points. Jack kept begging us to save her, so we left her alone. We continued to target Kalin with all our attacks. He merely laughed, and his eyes got darker. 

"How about we make a deal?"  He spoke, before he could end his turn.  "I'll give you Carly back, and surrender this duel. But, I get to take (Y/N)..."  An evil grin spread across his face as he sped past Yusei. 

"NO! I will never let you lay a hand on her!"  Yusei yelled, fury in his voice. 

"Oh please! You guys just made it official as of today,"  Jack shot back.  "Carly and I have at least been together for over a year now. I say, we take the deal." 

Yusei glared at Jack.  "I will not let you ruin my life again, Jack!"  Yusei shot back, fury in his sapphire eyes. 

"It's your fault you care too much about people!"  Jack retorted, as Crow slowed his runner. 

"Enough!"  Akiza yelled, breaking the two of them up.  "Let's see what (Y/N) herself has to say about all of this."  Akiza looked at you, as all of you slowed your runners to a stop. 

The duel was put on hold, and Kalin's offer still stood. 

Both Jack and Yusei stood in front of you, arms crossed and a grim look on each of their faces. 

You took a deep breath.  "Look, I know you love Carly,"  You addressed Jack.  "But she's been with the dark signers before. She made it out alive thanks to you."  You turned to Yusei.  "Yusei, I love you. I know you're smart and you'll fight for anyone you love."  You looked down, dreading the words you were about to say.  You forced yourself to step towards Yusei, who's gaze softened as you reached out and let your hands rest on his chest. You stood on your tiptoes and planted a soft kiss on his lips.  He kissed you back, his kiss full of love and a deep burning desire. You slipped your ace card into his deck resting on his hip. You pulled back and, fighting back burning tears, you stepped away.  "And since I know you'll find a way to save those you love, I'm going to accept Kalin's offer."  

"No! (Y/N)! I can't let you do this!"  Yusei called after you, getting held back by Crow and Jack. 

"It's her choice, Yusei,"  Crow said, looking at Akiza. 

You stepped towards Kalin, who wore the most creepy and sinister smile you had ever seen.  "Now, surrender the duel, Kalin."  You commanded. He did, placing his gloved hand over his duel disk.  "And now, give Carly back to them."  Kalin ushered the ghost master forward. Said man threw Carly forward, as she collapsed into Akiza's arms.  

"Now you, come with me,"  Kalin commanded, pointing a finger at you. You glared, before you followed after the dark signer leader. 

"(Y/N)!! Why? Why did you do this to me? We could've found another way! (Y/N)!!"  You heard Yusei's voice call after you, as the ghost master led you away. 

Yusei's voice faded as you walked to the dark signers' hideout. The frigid air kept your tears from falling, as it blew an ice-like wind through your (Y/H/L) locks. Your heart was pounding in your ears, and guilt mixed with shame flooded your emotions. Your stomach turned to knots, twisting in utter disbelief: you just made a deal with the dark signers. 

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