XXIX: Reality?

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I woke up with a gasp, darkness meeting my eyes. I scan my surroundings only to find I'm in my bedroom... Wait, what? 

I lay back, turning to face Yusei. Maybe it was all a bad dream after all...

His hand reaches out to caress my face, a small smile crossing his lips as my eyes adjust to the darkness. "Hey, baby. It's okay," he pulls me close, pressing a gentle kiss to my head. 

I sigh and snuggle against him. Maybe it WAS a dream. I ask Yusei about it, and he says nothing like that happened. Although I leave out the part of my hunting gun...

My hunting gun is the only part of the dream that exists. Well, that and Kalin and his team of dark signers. 

I decide its best to wait until morning to tell them about it. Instead, I snuggle against Yusei and try to get some more sleep. 

                                                       *time skip*

I wake up in Yusei's arms, his soft whispers making me stir and sit up. 

"Hey babe, how did you sleep?" he asks, kissing my hand. 

I nod. "I think I slept better. Besides the strange dream," I add, getting out of bed and stretching. 

He nods, and his bright sapphire eyes follow me around my room as I pull out an outfit. 

I get dressed and go downstairs to meet Akiza and Carly

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I get dressed and go downstairs to meet Akiza and Carly. Apparently, we had gone to the mall and gotten a bit too much sugar. The girls tell me that I had gotten too many of those liquor filled truffles, and that's also what made me sick. 

So they took me home and had me go to sleep. That's when the strange dream happened. 

I gathered all the missing pieces from everyone and managed to get a clearer view of what happened last night. More or less, I ate so much sugar with liquor in it, I got sick. 

Note to self: don't ever do that again. 

The guys had all been acting a bit strange ever since I got up and stuff. And now, they were getting stranger by the second. 

"Hey, (Y/N)," Akiza said, making me turn to face her. "The guys want us to go visit Martha and the twins..." she hesitates, but then continues. "And they're sending just us girls." 

I raise an eyebrow. "What do think they could be planning?" I hiss under my breath, stepping closer to my red-headed friend. 

She shrugs. "I've been wondering that myself lately." 

Carly joins us at the bottom of the staircase, a bag of small non-liquor candies for the twins. 

"Okay, I'm ready!" she chimes, as we all grab our keys and leave. The guys give us each a hug and a peck on the cheek, but they seem a bit preoccupied. 

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