XXX: Break

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I moan, arching my back against him as I kiss him back. He breaks the kiss, grinding his hips harder against mine. I moan more, throwing my head back into the pillows as I close my eyes in pleasure.

"Yusei," I whisper, pulling him close.

He hums and caresses my sides. "Yes, love?"

"I want you," I say softly, kissing his lips.

He nods. "I want you too."

                                               ****WARNING: LEMON****

He kisses me again, his hands traveling up my shirt. I pull away to throw it off, gasping as Yusei leaves hot kisses down my chest. 

I pull away, sliding off the bed. Yusei's sapphire eyes follow me around the room. I lock the door, and slowly walk over to my dresser. I turn to face him, and bite my lip, taking my pants off. 

He licks his lips, watching me. 

I gently run my index finger over my lips, biting my nail - my eyes never leaving Yusei's gaze. 

He gets up to wrap his arms around me, but I pull away. "Ah, ah, ah," I say, smiling softly. "Protection first, babe." 

He smirks at me as I lay on the bed, watching him. I wink, my (Y/E/C) eyes following him around my room. 

He opens one of my drawers, pulling out a condom. I sit up, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Where did you get that? Did you put that in there?" I ask, smirking at him as I lick my lips. 

He nods. "Yep. I moved some of my stuff into your room. Which includes some of these," he waves the packet in the air, making me roll my eyes. 

"Well, I'd like to politely ask you to move them to that drawer over there," I point to another drawer at the end of my mahogany dresser. 

He raises an eyebrow. "Why...?" He looks at me over his shoulder, the towel still wrapped around his waist. 

"Because, the girls sometimes decide to pick my outfits, so move them please," I say tersely, rolling my eyes. 

He nods and moves them to the drawer I pointed to. "But this is filled with scarves." 

I nod. "I know. It's almost spring, Yus. So I won't need scarves." I gesture him over. "Now, back to what we were doing." 

He smirks and kisses me, caressing my sides before he unclasps my bra. We continue to kiss, his hips rubbing against mine. 

Both of us moan, our hips grinding in a slow rhythm. Yusei's hands trail down my body, his fingers dipping past my panties. I gasp as as he pulls away, pulling my underwear off. He tosses them aside, removing the towel from around his waist. I gaze up at him, pulling him close to kiss him. 

He kisses back, his hands fondling my breasts as he rocks his hips against mine. Breathless once again, I pull away and smile at him. He smiles back and moves to put the condom on. 

He returns to my lips, his hands playing with my breasts. He groans as he slowly enters me, causing me to rock my hips against him. 

"Oh Yusei," I whisper softly, tangling my hands in his hair. I sigh as he kisses down my neck, his hips starting to pick up speed. "O-oh!" I manage to gasp out, feeling him thrust all the way into me. 

He groans, and takes one of my nipples in his mouth, making me gasp in pleasure. We stop suddenly as we hear sounds from the others' rooms. Moans and soft screams escape their rooms, making me roll my eyes. 

I blush and hide my face in the crook of Yusei's neck. I can tell he's blushing as well. "This is awkward," I whisper, bucking my hips once against him. 

He groans at my movement and nods. "Yes, but it's not like they haven't had sex before. Apparently, we weren't the only ones thinking of that," he smirks down at me, earning a playful frown from my lips. 

I nod, rocking my hips into his. He kisses me and softly groans as he pulls all the way out, slowly sliding in again. He continues this rhythm until I'm begging him to go faster. 

"Mm, Yusei," I whisper, kissing his neck. "Faster, please," I beg, biting his ear playfully. 

He groans and goes faster, kissing my lips. I take the chance to roll us over so I'm on top. I moan at the new angle, bucking my hips as I start to ride him, my hands on his chest.

He groans underneath me, holding my hips as I ride him. "Mmm, baby that feels amazing," he whispers, gazing up at me. 

I smile. "Good." I bounce up and down, quickening my pace as I close my eyes - the pleasure taking over both of our senses. 

I feel one of Yusei's hands travel up over my stomach to grab my breast, squeezing it softly. I moan at his touch, my mind focused on nothing but memorizing how he feels inside of me. 

He groans, and looks up at me. "I'm close, baby," he speaks softly, making me shiver at how sexy his voice sounds. 

I nod. "So am I..." I pant out, going faster and rougher. Yusei's moans encourage me to buck my hips, making him cry my name in pleasure as my hips move against him. 

He grips my waist tighter, groaning my name as he cums. I gasp, his name leaving my own lips as I ride out my orgasm with him. 

He pulls me close to him, my head resting against his chest. "Damn, that felt so good," he whispers in my ear, making me giggle. 

"I'm glad. So you liked me taking control?" I ask playfully, smirking up at him as I place my hands on his chest. 

He chuckles - a laugh I'll never grow tired of. "Maybe..." He leans down to peck my lips, gently pulling out of me. 

I sigh at the loss of him filling me, throwing the blankets over us. "I highly doubt we'll be getting up anytime soon," I say, smirking and raising an eyebrow. 

He smiles at me. "I agree, love." He presses a kiss to my head, snuggling close to me as we rest in each others' arms. 

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