XX: Back to the Past

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[A/N]: Another story update for my lovely readers. Enjoy! 


Akiza and I decided that she should be the one to track down Daisy. We agreed on this because, since Daisy has known me, she might use her own magic to block the signal and keep us from finding her. Akiza had to spend a few minutes convincing Crow, but soon enough, he sighed and said okay. 

Akiza nods and takes the object from me, making sure it stays wrapped. She says goodbye to all of us, and takes off to some undisclosed location so we can't follow her. 

Crow and Yusei chat in quiet whispers, leaving me alone while Carly and Jack stand aside. I sigh and go to my runner, deciding to go back home. 

Yusei notices and leaves Crow. "Hey, (Y/N). Where are you going?" His hands grab at my waist, pulling closer to him. 

"I'm going home. I just need space and time to process what all has happened." I say softly. 

He nods. "May I come with you, or do you want to be alone?" He asks, his forehead against mine. 

I stay quiet and debate: yes or no?...

"If you want," I answer, shrugging before pulling away and getting on my runner. I speed off, leaving him no time to respond. 

"Women," Jack says from behind Yusei, shaking his head of blonde hair. 

Yusei laughs as Carly glares at Jack, walking away to her own runner. 

Once I arrive at home, I immediately head straight for my room. I find everything the way I left it. I get into my bed, pulling out the writing I had neglected in our frenzy to reach the Crimson Dragon. 

I kick my shoes off, slinging my jacket over the chair Yusei had his gloves on. 

I begin to write, but am interrupted by sharp pain suddenly overtaking my head. I drop my pen and journal, gripping the sides of my head. 

What the hell?! I run my hands across my head, searching for the source of the pain. I stop when my fingers graze over the scar Daisy gave me when she knocked me out. 


I frantically grab my phone, dialing Akiza. She doesn't pick up. 

"Hi Aki. I just wanted to know what you're doing. I have a sharp pain in my head where Daisy had left a scar from knocking me out. It's a long story, but I hope this is for a good cause. Okay, bye." 

I hang up and grip my head again, burying my face into the covers of my bed. I wish Yusei was here. 

I go to grab my phone to text him, but my head decides against it. I cry out as I grip my head again, feeling the pain overwhelm my senses. 

I'm not sure how much time goes by, but I hear the door open and someone call my name. "(Y/N)!" 

It's Yusei. I hear his footsteps echo through the house and up the stairs. He opens my bedroom door and runs over to me. 

"Baby, are you okay? Akiza texted us to tell us you were in pain. She said it had something to do with when Daisy knocked you out...?" Yusei holds me close, sitting on the bed to rock me back and forth in his arms. 

I nod. "I'm better now that you're here," I whisper, snuggling against his warm chest. 

He holds me close, and I suddenly feel the pain subside. I sit up and look at him, his blue eyes laced with worry. 

"I'm fine now, Yus. Something about your presence made the pain fade." I smiles softly, my hands on his chest.

He smiles. "Well, or it's all in your head," He taps my head playfully before pulling me close, earning a soft giggle from me.

I hug him back before I pull away. "Thank you for coming," I whisper, before placing a soft kiss on his lips. 

He kisses me back before pulling away. "Of course, love. You mean everything to me." 

I smile back at him and kiss him again, my hands traveling up his chest to pull at his jacket collar once again. 

He kisses me back, his arms pulling me close to deepen the kiss. I gently collapse onto the bed, pulling him on top of me as we kiss. He groans softly, his hands running up to gently run through my hair. 

He pulls away to remove his gloves, his jacket also following afterwards. He hovers over me, leaning down to kiss me. I pull him close, my hands feeling his muscular bare arms as I let them travel up to entangle in his hair. 

He sighs into the kiss, his warm hands traveling down my body to duck underneath my shirt. I gasp when I feel his hands on my bare skin. 

He looks down at me, and smiles softly. "You can tell me to stop." He whispers, his hand resting on my bare skin, right above my shorts. 

I look at him: his sparkling blue eyes, his lips wet from our kissing, his tan skin... I don't want this to stop. 

"No, don't stop." I whisper, pulling him down to kiss him again. 


[A/N]: So, my dear readers. Would you want a lemon for the next chapter? Comment with a 🍋 if you do want one. 😏

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