XII: Sacrifice

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"Carly!"  I yell, stepping forward to grab her. I get held back by Akiza and Yusei, their grip on me stronger than my resistance.  "Just let her go! She has no part in this! She isn't even a signer!"  I yell at Kalin, glaring at him. 

"Oh? Is that the only reason you think I'm holding her captive?"  He raises an eyebrow at me, a smirk growing across his lips.  "If I were to obtain all five signers, then the dark signers would reign forever. But that would be too easy. So, here's bait to lure Jack."  He points a finger at Carly, who just stands there, her dark eyes emotionless as she stares at me.  "Who knew it would be bait to lure you too?"  He raises an eyebrow again, stepping closer to me. 

"Get back! Or I swear I'll kill you,"  I warn, Yusei's grip on me tightening as I rest my hand on my gun. 

He laughs, throwing his head back as if its the funniest thing he's ever heard.  "You? Kill me?"  He laughs again, looking at me.  "You don't seem like the type that would be capable of killing someone, let alone hurting them..."  He sneaks closer, his dark eyes never leaving my (Y/E/C) ones.  "But if you were a dark signer, then I think you'd at least have the capacity to kill someone,"  He goes on, now just centimeters from my face. 

"Fuck off! We all know you're a coward who just flaunts around with a dark signer mark on his arm to look powerful,"  I shoot back, as I see Akiza's and Yusei's eyes widen at my sudden outburst. 

"Ooh! Got some fire to ya,"  He chuckles, finally pulling his darkened face away from mine.  "Now that's a quality I like in a girl." 

"Don't you dare,"  Yusei warns, his tan face becoming stern. His sapphire eyes become darker as he shoots a glare at the baby-blue haired male. 

A 'ding' goes off, and Yusei instantly checks his cell phone. I look over his shoulder and my eyes widen. It's a message from Jack that reads:  "Trade Carly for (Y/N) or Akiza. I want Carly back. Otherwise, I'll be coming myself to strike a deal with Kalin. I don't care what it takes." 

He pulls away from me to show Crow and Akiza, and we all exchange worried glances. 

"Oh, so now the infamous Crimson Leaders don't know what to do,"  Kalin mocks, shrugging his shoulders.  "Oh well." 

We all move away from Kalin as he returns to Carly, gently patting her head - which almost makes me gag. 

"Look. Jack's been upset with Yusei for a while, ever since Carly was a dark signer this second time around,"  I say as everyone listens.  "I personally won't have that. I will gladly be tribute. I can take care of myself. At least, for a while."

"No. There is no way I'm letting you go,"  Yusei responds, holding me close to him. 

I tilt my head and silently motion to Akiza and Crow who are standing there awkwardly.  "But Yusei. Think about your friend,"  I nod to Crow.  "Think about how much that would hurt him if he gave up Akiza. So many people have been hurt already, Yus. No one else deserves to get hurt."  I explain, gently brushing a hand over his criminal mark. 

His expression softens at my touch, while Crow and Akiza send me looks of relief and gratitude.  "That's what I like about you, (Y/N),"  Akiza chimes, smiling softly.  "You look out for your friends, and you always find a way to do what's best. Even if it's the most difficult,"  She says, stepping forward to hug me. 

Yusei's gaze shifts down in guilt.  "Hey,"  Crow says, patting Yusei on the shoulder.  "Remember, we never let anyone from our team go. We always break them out. It's our duty and it's our call." 

Yusei smiles at this, before smiling down at me.  "Okay... but promise me, you'll be careful,"  He says to me, resting his head against mine so our noses brush. 

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