XXIII: Here We Go Again

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The fighting seemed like it would never stop. The Crimson Dragon didn't intervene, and the tension between everyone only grew. I eventually grew tired of arguing, and went to my room. 

I put my earbuds in, and blasted my music. I chose some heavier music, and threw myself on my bed. I stared at the ceiling for God knows how long, until someone opened my bedroom door. I sat up and smiled at the red headed girl who came into my room. 

"Hey," she greets, sitting at the edge of my bed. "So, we figured something out." 

I shoot my head up, my one earbud dangling from my ear. "What? What did you agree to?" I can tell my eyes gleam by the way Akiza looks at me. 

"Well, we decided on asking someone else. Not involved in the Crimson Leaders," she explains, tucking a strand of her long hair behind her ear. 

I nod. "So, who is it?" I ask, pausing my music, leaning forward in anticipation. 

She hesitated.  "Well, it's an old friend of mine. She's actually super into witchcraft and everything, but she knows I'm not a fan of it, so she doesn't touch me or use me or my friends for any of her dark stuff."  Akiza looks away, entwining her fingers in her lap.  "Anyway, her name is Erica. We're going to meet her later tonight,"  Akiza looks away again, getting up to softly pace the carpeted floor. 

I stand. "Akiza, I can see you're not alright," I go to hug her but she turns away. "You don't have to do this. I'm sure I can find someone else." 

She turns to me. "(Y/N), don't you understand?" she asks me, her brown eyes laced with fury and outrage. "I have to do this! I have to face my past some time or another! So it's best I do it now," she says softly, turning away. 

Without another word, she leaves my room, closing the door behind her. 

Great. Now I have another friend hurt. This is not what it's supposed to be like. At all. 


I get woke up by Yusei. He shakes my shoulders, and sits next to me on my bed. I sit up and rub my eyes. 

"Is it time already?" I look at my clock. It reads 7:03 pm. 

He nods. "Yes. I'm afraid so, love." He hugs me close, placing a soft kiss to my temple. 

He helps me get up. I put some makeup on and clean myself up. I slept horribly. I had fallen asleep when Akiza left my room. 

Now, the time has come for us to make a deal with yet another dark person. I shutter at the thought. 

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. I rush over to my dresser and pull out a black ribbon, I tie it to my thigh and strap my pocket knife to it. I fix my skort and examine my reflection. I think I'm ready. 

I grab my jacket and head downstairs with Yusei

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I grab my jacket and head downstairs with Yusei. 

"Ah! 'Bout damn time! There's sleeping beauty," Jack retorts, scoffing as he looks up at me. 

I glare at him. "Well, not like you're some prince charming either," I fire back. I glance over at Carly. "No offense, Carly." 

She smiles. "None taken." She fixes her glasses and gives Jack a glare. 

We all prepare our duel runners, and head to an unknown location. We all follow Akiza, Crow the first one trailing behind her. 

Something in my chest makes it hard to breathe. I shake it away, telling myself it's all in my head. We drive through alleyways littered with stray cats, rats, and homeless people. 

Some drunken man creeps out of the shadows as I drive by, trying to jump on me. I scream, and he hobbles backwards. Yusei gives him a push, and sends him flying into some trash heap. 

I look back and smile at him. "Thanks." 

He nods. I watch as the drunken guy gurgles and falls asleep on the pile of trash. 

The moon is only a sliver of a crescent in the sky, barely lighting the dark streets as we all drive along. 

Eventually, Akiza slows her runner to a stop and parks in front of an array of abandoned buildings. 

We all slow to a crawl, and check our surroundings. All I see are brick buildings that seem to have been destroyed by a bomb. 

The explosion. 

I slap a hand over my mouth to keep me from crying. Yusei notices and rushes over to me. "Baby, it's okay." 

I turn to him and bury my face in his chest. He hugs me tightly, kissing my head as his strong arms squeeze me. 

I break from the embrace, holding his hand instead. We walk through the grey and red piles of rubble, following Akiza. 

She leads us inside one of the abandoned buildings. Putting a hand up, she stops. She turns to us and puts a finger to her lips. 

Crow steps over to her, but she stops him. He reluctantly stays a few steps behind her. She steps inside and I can hear her speak. 

"Hello, Erica." 

A dark shadow turns to face Akiza, and I can't make out what they look like. All I hear is a dark yet feminine voice: 

"Hello, Akiza." 

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