III: Adventure or Risk? [Part II]

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The Crimson Dragon appeared in a flurry of red and white, causing Luna and Leo to hide behind Akiza and me. 

"Hello, my dear signers,"  The dragon greets, its eyes glowing like red-hot coals.  "I'm afraid Satellite needs you again." 

The Crimson Dragon goes on to explain that the Dark Signers were back, with an all too familiar name as their leader: Kalin Kessler. The first whereabouts of them had been reported in Neo Domino City. Jack simply raised an eyebrow at this. The Dark Signers haven't destroyed anything yet, but were reported by Trudge. I rolled my eyes at his name, earning a knowing look from Yusei. 

"Your task as signers is to defeat the Dark Signers, and make sure to protect not only Satellite, but Neo Domino City as well,"  The booming voice of the dragon states, its fiery gaze landing on each of us in turn. 

We all nod, sharing another knowing gaze with each other.  "So, you want us to head to Neo Domino now?"  I ask, breaking the silence. 

The dragon nods its head.  "Yes, finding Kalin should be simple, as you know him best,"  it continues, its gaze now landing on Yusei, Jack, and Crow. 

The three foster brothers exchange grim looks, a frown spreading across Yusei's tan features.  He nods.  "Okay,  I think I know where to find him." 

The dragon nods in response at this.  "And, please be careful. Take the children to Martha's. I will protect them."  Leo goes to object, but the dragon's piercing gaze silences him.  "And maybe you should think about using your tools from your Team Satisfaction days,"  it adds slyly, giving me out of all people, a knowing look. 

I tear my (Y/E/C) eyes away, seeing Jack's eyes widen a fraction of an inch, before he returns to his nonchalant expression. Crow's face just becomes even grimmer as he walks over to Akiza, hugging her close. 

With that, the dragon leaves, dissipating in a cloud of red and white. 

We all silently split up to head to Martha's, the twins following Akiza and Crow. I walk over to Yusei, and grab his arm, waiting for the others to leave the room. 

"Yusei,"  I call his name softly, my (Y/E/C) eyes meeting his darkening sapphire ones.  "I have something to tell you." 

He raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms before his facial expression becomes neutral again.  "Okay."  He nods, facing me.

I nod and take a deep breath.  "I know this is not the best time to tell you this. However, if something happened to you while we're on this dangerous mission, I would never forgive myself..."  I trail, biting my lip to keep from rambling on.  "Yusei, ever since we were childhood friends, I've always cared for you. When I was younger, I thought I loved you like a brother. Now that I'm older though, I know that those feelings weren't storge* love. I love you. I love you as a crush. As someone I want to hug and have by my side."  I keep my gaze on the tiled floor, not wanting to look up at the black-and-gold haired male. 

I hear him step towards me, his warm gloved hands taking hold of my shoulders.  "(Y/N), I..."  He trails off, making me even more nervous. 

"I know. I knew I shouldn't have said anything now. And now I put even more stress on you. I'm sorry, Yusei."  I turn away, shrugging his hands off me as tears formed in my eyes. 

Yusei sighs and walks over to me.  "(Y/N), look at me."  His voice is gentle yet commanding, and dare I say, sexy. 

I fight a blush rising to my cheeks as I turn to face him. He steps towards me, his hands gripping my shoulders once again, as he has me step backwards until my back hits the wall softly. I raise my eyebrow in question, but Yusei just presses his index finger on my lips, before planting his hand against the wall. 

"(Y/N), I love you too. I've cared for you too. I've always wanted to hug you, and have you by my side too."  I blush as I see a smirk cross his tan features.  "And, something you forgot to mention: I've always wanted to kiss you too."  I widen my eyes, earning a chuckle from him. 

With that, his eyes drop to my lips, silently asking for permission. I nod, my heart beating faster. 

He closes the gap between us, his warm and soft lips pressing into my slightly pink ones. His hand is still against the wall as he leans closer, his other hand resting on my waist. I sigh into the kiss, letting him take control as I tangle my hands into his surprisingly soft hair. He groans as I tug on his hair, pulling him closer as our kisses become more heated and eager. I feel his tongue slide over my lips, but I pull away. 

He frowns at me, making me giggle.  "Don't give me that look, Yusei. We have a world to save after all. And we also have friends to tell about our new relationship."  I wink at him, walking off. He runs to catch up, planting a kiss on my neck before pulling away. 

Here we go again on another hectic adventure... 


Storge = like a friendship love; like a brother

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