IV: Complications [Part I]

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We all split up: Luna with Akiza, Leo with Crow, and the rest of us on our own duel runners. We speed off to Martha's, taking the shortcut that the three boys found one day after they had visited their foster mother. 

Martha greets us when we arrive, standing next to the Crimson Dragon. She hugs each of us, and ushers the kids into her house.  "How dangerous is your mission this time?"  She asks, worry written in her usually calm brown eyes. 

I look at Yusei, who has a hand planted firmly on my shoulder.  "Well, it required all of us, and the children are safest if they stay with you,"  I start, before Yusei speaks up as well. 

"We have to find Kalin,"  Yusei says grimly, as Martha's eyes grow wide.  "He's the leader of the dark signers this time. According to the Crimson Dragon..."  Yusei gestures up to the dragon hovering above Martha's cottage;  "Kalin and the dark signers had been spotted in Neo Domino City. So we're heading there." 

Martha turned to me, tilting her head.  "Keep him safe, (Y/N),"  She said softly. 

"Hey! I can take care of myself!"  Yusei retorted, crossing his arms and pouting slightly. 

We both laughed.  "Oh, Yusei, lighten up,"  Martha said.  "I just wanted to tell your new girlfriend that she should look out for you."  Martha replied simply, earning a blush from Yusei. 

"O-okay, thanks,"  He mumbled before turning away. 

I giggled.  "Thanks Martha. I hope we won't be too long." 

She nodded.  "Anytime dear. I know the dangers all too well. I support your work to protect this city." 

I thanked her, turning to follow my new team. 

We all thanked Martha, and said our good byes to the twins, hurrying to Neo Domino. 

                                           *time skip*

We sped over the bridge and into the city of blinding lights.  "Follow me,"  Jack hollered, unphased by the bright city laid out before us. 

I blinked a few times before I sped off after him with the others. 

"Hey guys,"  Crow started, as he rode beside Akiza.  "We should come up with a new team name." 

"I was thinking that myself, Crow. But I don't have any ideas,"  Akiza responded, her medium-length hair flowing behind her. 

"Um..."  I trailed, letting them know I heard them. 

"What about Crimson Leaders?"  Jack spoke, as he sharply turned a corner. 

The sound of our wheels squealing filled the air, causing me to grimace.  "Um, sure!"  I said, as I revved my bike. I glanced over my shoulder to steal a glance at Yusei. He remained quiet throughout the whole drive. 

The others agreed on the name, and then it was final: we were now known as the Crimson Leaders. 

We arrived at the guys' old secret spot, instantly finding a familiar dark blue and orange duel runner.  "Why, hello,"  A dark voice spoke, followed by a cackle that sent shivers down my spine. 

"Kalin,"  Crow nodded, crossing his arms as he stood in front of Akiza. 

Kalin's sinister smile grew as he nodded in return, turning his gaze to Yusei. Mimicking Crow's movements, Yusei stepped in front of me, glaring at Kalin. 

"Hello, dear friend,"  Kalin answered, creeping even closer to Yusei.  "I see you brought some beauties along,"  A cold finger ran down my bare arm as he spoke. 

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