XXXX: A Calling [Part II]

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Note: If I mentioned her ex's name before, correct me. I just don't remember if I have or not. XD  Also, part XXXX (forty) will have three or more parts cause I'm lazy. XD 


"What the hell?" I shout, my voice echoing off the white-washed walls. "Who the hell do you think you are? Let me go! Right now!!" I yell, clenching a fistful of the skirts. 

Thaniel just laughs, hovering over me. "Oh, I think you know who I am, dearest," he retorts, gently brushing a strand of my hair back. 

I smack his hand away, glaring at him. "Don't you dare touch me! You fucking bastard!" I step back, feeling my weight shift unevenly on the five inch heels. 

Thaniel's dark laugh echoes off the walls, making me feel sick to my stomach. "Oh, baby. Don't shy away from me," he coos, stepping forward to try and corner me. 

I clench my jaw and stand my ground, despite this rather dumb outfit. His burning blue eyes lock with mine, and he stops in his tracks. I show him my left hand, and point to the ring Yusei gave me. 

He looks at me, then the ring, then back at me. His mouth is open just a fraction as his eyes falter for a second.  "Wait, no way. There is no way,"  he shakes his head of blonde hair. He chuckles nervously.  "You can't be with someone that fast. It's only been a year..." 

I can't help but laugh in his face. I ignore his glare and stand up to face him.  "Oh, yes I can. It didn't take long for me to forget all about your sorry ass. In fact, I think it only took about..."  I tap my bottom lip playfully.  "...about three months to get over you." I state, remembering the night I finally felt free again. 

He shakes his head and laughs. This time, his laugh is more normal.  "Oh, darling, I know you couldn't possibly be happy with whoever you're with now.... There's just no way."  He crosses his arms defiantly, his white suit wrinkling in the arms. 

I widen my (Y/E/C) eyes, silently egging him on. I place a hand on my hip and act uninterested, earning a growl of annoyance from him. 

I smirk, knowing exactly how to play my cards, so to speak. I sway my hips slightly as I walk around the room, finding a secret door in the wall. I ignore his yell to step away from the door, and instead, I push it open. I find a small hallway that leads to who-knows where. 

I dart into the dark hallway, slamming the secret door shut. I fumble around for the lock I know I saw somewhere, and eventually get the lock to click. I run down the hallway, running my hands along the wall to guide my feet. 

The path eventually leads right, so I continue blindly until I hit a crossing lit with a single oil lamp. I frown, looking left then right. I'm not sure which way to go to get out of here...

I let my gaze fall to the dark ground as I think for a moment... Wait. My ex was all about never being in the wrong...

I nod to myself, and take the oil lamp, going around the right turn. I continue to take right turns throughout the crazy hallways, the heels on my feet clicking loudly. 

I stop and look behind me, making sure he hasn't caught up to me. I carefully set the lamp on a hook I find on the brick wall. I bend down and quickly remove the stupid heels. I throw them down a hallway on my left, making sure to make it look like I went that way. With those stupid heels now off, I grab the lamp and run down the hallway on my right, continuing until I finally hit a brilliantly lit room. 

I smile softly, entering the room. I turn the knob on the oil lamp to off, and continue to carry it with me. 

I find another door in front of me as I walk forward. The door is painted white, and has a golden paint accenting the doorway. At the top of the door, there's a gold crown piece. I wonder what the significance is of that...

As if on cue, a flashback hits me. I remember that Thaniel gave me a fake gold crown when we were together. I shake my head quickly, clearing the flashback. I continue through the door, and I'm greeted with a blinding shimmering of silvery light. The white room doesn't help the blinding glare either. 

I blink a few times, clearing my vision. I stand in a room full of silver, ornate jewelry and crowns. I tilt my head, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. 

Thaniel never liked silver though... So why is this room filled with silver? 

The door slams shut and the lights go off. I fumble around to switch the lamp on again, and eventually get it. 

I breathe as quietly as I can. I back away to press my back against the wall, and grab the first metal object that I see. 

Okay, now this is getting scary. I take a deep breath, and open my eyes. I gasp as I come face to face with a pair of red eyes....

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