XIX: Duty of a Hero

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As I was lost in thought, Yusei sat at the edge of my bed - his eyes on me every now and then. Before I can finish writing, the signer mark on my arm starts to glow. 

As if on cue to pull me out of my thoughts, the door opens downstairs. I hear Jack and Carly call for us, along with Crow. I hear footsteps on the staircase that I recognize as Akiza's. Several other footsteps follow, and my bedroom door gets pushed open. 

"Hey, guys. We got to go," Crow says, showing us his glowing mark. 

I nod and get up, shoving the writing underneath my pillow. I throw the blankets over it as well and go to slip on some shoes. Yusei's jacket and gloves are already on, and he looks at me before putting on his own shoes. 

Jack and Carly arrive at the top of the stairs and head straight to Jack's room. I'm guessing their gonna change since they were on a date. And I highly doubt Carly would want to wear heels and a tight dress to go track down the dark signers...

As Akiza and Crow head downstairs to get their duel runners revved up, Yusei and I stand in my room, looking at each other. The door remains open but we don't seem to notice or care. 

Yusei steps closer to me - his hand caresses my cheek while his other hits the small of my back. He tilts my chin up so that my face is closer to his. 

He leans in and kisses me, softly at first. I kiss him back, grabbing at the collar of his jacket - deepening the kiss. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer so our bodies touch. We continue to kiss, not wanting to ever leave each other's lips. 

While we kiss, the door to Jack's room must have opened, because the next thing I know - Jack's clearing his throat, causing us to pull apart. 

"Come on, you love birds. We haven't got time for your 'lil makeout session," He says, as Carly grabs his hand and leads him down the stairs. 

Yusei and I both blush and sigh, leaving my room. 

                                            *time skip*

We arrive at the bridge again, the dragon hovering over us. 

"Hello, signers," it greets. "Unfortunately, things are going to get worse. And darker." It's glowing eyes look at me. 

I nod. "Yes, it seems to be that way." I step forward, holding Daisy's knife in my hands - wrapped in thick cloth. 

"Um, what the hell is that?" Akiza asks, taking a step back from me. "My powers sense it's something dark." 

The dragon nods. "It is." It goes on to explain everything that I wrote down - but Yusei didn't get to read it. 

Yusei looks at me, his eyes ablaze. "(Y/N)! What the fuck? I cannot let you do this! You can't expect me to let you do this!" 

"Yusei, we have to find Daisy. If I have to play witch, I'll do it." 

"No, you won't!" Akiza interjects. "I'll do it. I was a witch once." 

Crow's grey eyes widen. "Babe, no. You can't."

All four of us are thrown into an argument as Jack and Carly watch. 

"Enough!" the dragon bellows, causing us all to put our hands over our ears. "Look, I know what each of you are capable of, and what's safe for all of you. So I'm asking (Y/N) or Akiza to do this. Or, both of them can work together. Either way." 

I shake my head. "No. It's best if we work solo. I should know from my past experience with a witch..." 

Akiza shoots a look at me, her brown eyes filled with offense. 

"No, not you, Aki. Daisy." I explain.

Everyone exchanges looks and then, their gaze falls to me. 

"So you're saying you have a past with Daisy?" Akiza asks, her eyes narrowing as she looks at me. 

I nod. "Yes. And it's not something I'm proud to admit." 

Jack starts to ask a question, but gets cut off by Yusei. "Leave her alone! She was only 13 and didn't have a family or anyone to turn to. She wasn't as lucky as us," He gestures to Jack, Crow, and himself. "So save your questions for later." 

The dragon shakes its head. "I need you all to work together. Not tear this group of Crimson Leaders apart. So I'm going to split you guys up into three groups. You should know how this is going to work." 

We nod, and we pair up into our romantic groups of two: Jack and Carly, Akiza and Crow, and Yusei and me. 

"Now, I leave you to make the right decisions." It fades away into the crisp evening air. 

"Welp, who's going to track down Daisy?" I ask, turning to face Akiza. 

Jack and Carly sigh, walking away back to their runners. "You guys figure it out." Jack calls to us, waving a hand. 

It's going to be a long night...

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