XVIII: Together for Good? [Part II]

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[A/N]: Happy birthday to Csing9. Hope you have a great day. 


"You... what?"  Yusei asks me, shifting to face me, his eyes almost burning into my (Y/E/C) ones. 

"You heard me loud and clear. Daisy has a past that isn't very... pretty,"  I say, looking away as I get up, my hands suddenly cold at the lose of his warm grip. 

My body takes over my mind, as I turn and run to my bedroom, shutting the door before Yusei can even follow. I hear his footsteps on the stairs, running after me. He calls my name, almost sounding desperate. 

"Baby, please! I want the truth! You can't just call me out for being a jerk and then be one yourself!"  He says, knocking on the door. 

I sigh. He's got a point...  But I can't share this information. It could destroy me. It could destroy Daisy. It could hurt Yusei....

It could ruin us. 

"I know, Yusei. But it's too dangerous for me to even speak it to you. Let me just write it down..."  I trail, turning away from the locked door even as he knocks furiously. 

"(Y/N)!! You can't- you can't do this to me!"  I can hear him break down behind the locked door, and it breaks my heart. 

I sigh and unlock the door, turning away to sit on my bed with a pen and a journal.  "Yus, you can come in." 

He opens the door, his face pale and fallen. His eyes don't meet mine as he walks in and sits down at the edge of my bed. 

"I'm sorry,"  I lean in and kiss his cheek.  "It's very dark stuff, and I can't let you get hurt. It would destroy me if you got taken from me. Or worse..."  I lean my head on his shoulder, feeling a hand caress my cheek. 

"If it's that dark, why didn't you wait to tell me?"  He asks softly. Despite his soft voice, I can feel him breathe heavily. 

I shake my head.  "Well, it just kind of came up as we were talking..."  I run a hand through my hair, sitting against the headboard as I begin to write. 

Every now and then, I bite the end of the black pen - thinking. I catch Yusei staring at me a few times when I have the pen in my mouth. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him, but he shakes his head and looks away. 

I sigh and close my eyes, sinking back into the haunting memories with Daisy... 

We were 13, and on our own. We ran through a darkened street, the sound of our footsteps and laughter filling the cold night air. Daisy beamed at me, holding a bag of cash in her hands. 

"That was absolutely awesome!" She exclaims, looking at me with her big blue eyes. She laughs and looks behind me, her smile falling. "Shit," she says. "Run!" 

We take off running down the dark alleyways that reek of stale urine and cigarette smoke. We lead the person through the maze of our territory, knowing that they'll get lost eventually. We hear someone curse, and run off - their footsteps fading as they run in the other direction. 

I look at her, smirking. "Damn girl, you've got skill." 

She beams at me. "Of course I do." She flips her hair and we share a laugh. "Come on, I'll take you back to my hideout."

We walk for another few minutes, the streets filled with garbage and stray cats. Rats and mice scurry along as they dart in and out of the shadows - scared of our footsteps. She pushes back a multi-colored curtain to reveal an opening in an abandoned building. I scan the small room, my mouth slightly agape. 

There were candles of different dark colors, there was a deck of cards - but I wasn't sure what they were - a pile of different stones, and various odd objects. I then smelt the sickening and overwhelming scent of incense. The last thing I remember seeing is a five-sided star within a circle. 

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. I touched the back of my head, but all I felt was some fabric wrapped around my head. I sit up slowly, pushing myself up on my elbows as I slowly open my eyes. 

As I eventually began to regain consciousness, I found my left ring finger had been pricked - it was still slowly bleeding. I brought it to my mouth to lick the blood off, but stopped when I was hit with a bitter smell. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, hon," Daisy said from the shadows, her blue eyes the only thing I could see from the darkness surrounding me. 

"Why? What did you do to me?" I asked, feeling for my knife or gun. 

She tsked. "Now, now. Don't go about hurting yourself. I have your weapons. As for what I did to you, well...." She came closer, causing me to scoot backwards on my hands and butt. "I'm a witch, darling. Your blood was my sacrifice. It was a needed ingredient." She whispered, sending shivers down my spine. 

"What- Are you mad?" I ask, fright rising in my voice as I scramble to get to my feet. 

She laughs. "Oh, honey. We're all mad. Some of us just don't tap into the cravings." Her eyes seem to glow, and the more I gaze into them, they seem to glaze over. 

"Let me go! Please! You have my blood!" 

She frowned at me and sighed. "If that is what you wish." She cut the rope from my hands that I didn't notice before, and helped me stand. "Now, go." She gestured to the makeshift door. 

I nodded and left without another word. The one thing I took without her noticing was a knife that had been her prized possession. 

The handle was carved with ornate designs and I've kept it ever since. It had a dark aura to it, and I knew I could use it to track her down. 

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