XXVI: Smile

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[A/N]: Thank you for 1K views (1,033)!! I am so amazed!! You guys are amazing!! I can not express my gratitude to all my readers and followers. This story has a special place in my heart, and I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do. Love you guys!! 🤩💕 As a thank you, here is a longer chapter. 


I awoke to the sun pouring through my bedroom window once again. I sigh and try to get up, but Yusei has a tight grip on my waist. I roll my eyes and try to move his hands. After a few tries, I give up, studying his features. His tan skin is smooth while he's asleep. His eyes are closed, but I know underneath those closed eyes are those pools of rare blue that I get lost in. His muscles are relaxed and I blush, biting my lip as I run hand over his biceps. 

He starts to stir, his eyes opening and that signature smirk crossing his lips. He reaches out to brush my (Y/H/L) hair out of my face. "Morning," he says, his voice soft in volume but deep from his sleep. 

I blush. "Morning, love." I take my hand away from his arm, but he grabs it. 

I look at him, instantly getting lost in his eyes. "Yes? Don't want me leaving?" I ask, smirking at him as he pulls me close. 

He shakes his head, his raven hair tickling my face. "Nope. Not until we HAVE to get up," he replies, nuzzling my neck. 

I giggle. "Okay, Yus. But I really have to go to the bathroom," I say, making his grip loosen a bit. 

He sighs. "Fine, but hurry up." He sits up, watching me get up and stretch. 

"Oh Yus, don't be so grouchy in the morning," I smirk as I close the door and lock it. I smile as I hear him groan and fall back onto the bed with a soft thud. 

I go to the bathroom and wash my hands, examining my reflection in the mirror above the sink. My hair's a knotted mess, and I have mascara around my eyes - almost like raccoon eyes. 

I sigh and wash my face, tying my hair up into a messy bun with a stray rubber band. I spray dry shampoo all over my head, rubbing it in to remove some of the stubborn oils. Lastly, I use some mouthwash to get rid of the weird morning taste in my mouth. With one last glance, I unlock the door and am greeted by Yusei, who's currently putting on a clean pair of boxers from his pile of clothes. 

I blush and look away, closing the door again. I lean against it, and put my face in my hands - laughing as I slide down the door. 

"(Y/N)?" I hear Yusei knock on the door, trying to open it. 

But I can't get up. I'm laughing so hard for no damn reason, but I love it. It's been so long since I've felt this free and happy. 

I roll over on the floor, letting him open the door. His eyes widen and he smirks at me. "Is something funny?" He crosses his arms and kneels next to me. 

I shake my head. "N-no..." I stutter, as I take a deep breath and sit up. "I just feel so happy now that I'm with you." 

He blushes a bit and helps me stand up. He hums as he searches my features. "I'm glad, beautiful," he whispers as he leans in to kiss me. 

I kiss him back, pulling him close... But what started as a sweet and innocent kiss turned into a rather hot makeout session. 

His tongue found its way into my mouth, tasting of faint peppermint... "He must've stolen one of my mints from my bedside table," I think, as I playfully flick my tongue against his. 

He groans into the kiss, pinning my arms above my head. He smirks and kisses my lips again before kissing down my neck. He kisses down my neck to my collarbone. I moan softly, and arch my back. I can feel him smirk as he continues to kiss down my body: over the small amount of cleavage that his oversized T-shirt reveals. 

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