XXXXIIIV: Not Again...

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Crow and I start to part ways, hugging each other and exchanging small trackers just in case one of us ends up injured or hurt. Kind of like an emergency button. 

I rev my bike and do a small jump over a dirt hill. The area I was traveling through must have been a practice ground for dirt bikers because of the extreme terrain. I smirk as I complete the course with ease, feeling my bike's gears and inners shift with the weight of the jumps and curves. 

I did a good job. I guess my mechanical skills helped me out. 

I turn some music on, using the speakers in my helmet. I speed through the dirt roads of the mountains, using the sun as my clock. 

Once the sun starts to make its way to the west, I start to look for a more residential area. I reach the top of a small hilly area, and I stop my bike to look over the trees and dirt. I see lights from a small town below me and I smile. 

I go back to my bike, revving it up as I head down the mountain to the town. I skid down the dirt, almost losing control of the bike. I fall off only once, dusting myself off and getting back on. 

But- I didn't even bother to check my pockets for that emergency device Crow gave me...

I get up quickly, not wasting any time. I rev my bike again and ride down to the small town. 

Once I got there, I pull up next to a small inn. There's dim lanterns and the smell of freshly cut grass fills my nose. I walked up to the building to be greeted by an elderly man. 

"Welcome in, traveler," he spoke, his voice quiet and raspy. "Please, head inside for some food and a place to sleep." He gestured to the wooden door that was slightly ajar. 

I thank the elderly man and cautiously walk inside, pushing the door open. 

I'm greeted by the smell of freshly baked bread and a cozy fireplace crackling in the right corner of the room. As I scan the room, I see small wooden tables with fake candles and bouquets of flowers. 

"Hello there," a man greets, his voice calm with an icy edge to it. [A/N: if you need an example of this, look up the song "Your Number's Up and the "Hello there" is what I mean by that. XD]

I turn slowly, coming face to face with a man that looks like this: 

He stares at me, hooking his thumb through his belt and looking quite disinterested

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He stares at me, hooking his thumb through his belt and looking quite disinterested. 

"Uh, hi..." I trail, unsure of what to think of him. 

At first glance, he seems rather mean and cold. But as my eyes scan him, he seems a bit laidback and quiet. I'm not sure which to pick, so I go with being cautious. 

"Are you going to stand there eyeing me like a piece of candy? Or can I help you?" he smirks at me, taking a chance to check me out. 

This man is very different from the elderly man outside. It kind of seems ironic they would work at the same place.

I shake my head and look up at him. "No, I'm just tired and I zoned out. So cool it with your flirty remarks." I retort, smirking as I cross my arms. "But, now that I have your attention, I'd like a room please." 

He smirks at me, amused by sharp tongue. He walks behind the wooden counter and gets a pair of keys for me. "Here you are, room 6." He points up a small staircase. "If you want, I can help you find your way... It's rather dark up there." He smirks, returning to stand in front of me. 

I return his playful banter. "Oh? I think I'm fine... But you seem to be eyeing me now..." I wink at him, flipping my hair back before I proceed up the stairs. 

"Oh? Calling me out, hmm?" He walks around me, his eyes scanning my body. "I must say, you are a fine woman... Care to share your room and bed with me tonight?" He whispers, stepping closer to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. 

I blush a bit. This man has me off guard... What do I do? 


[A/N]: Okay, so I'm not one for real "slutty" characters.... but I do want to make things a bit more spicy and interesting. So, how would you guys feel about her sleeping with this guy? If you don't respond to this, I'm going to assume you are okay with it. If you are not, feel free to DM me or leave a comment here on this page. Remember: this is a safe space and I will do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way.  :D 

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