XXIV: Erica...?

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We all watched, wide-eyed as a figure stepped out of the shadows. The darkness from the towering pieces of building made it even more difficult to see who she was. 

A female with long straight hair stepped out of the shadows, dressed in all black head to toe. Her black heels clicked against the hard concrete ground, her tight leather suit causing the guys to eye her up and down. 

I smacked Yusei, causing him to flinch away and look at me. I shot him a glare, and he put his hands up in defense. I noticed that Akiza and Carly also got defensive to their boyfriends - which made me smile. 

The female also had a hooded cape draped around her shoulders. It seemed to be made of velvet, the small rays of light hitting it every time she moved around. She pushed her hood off, and I gasped. 

Standing in front of us was an old classmate of mine. She was with me in high school, and she was the one who made my parents tighten their grip on me. She told them I was involved in dark magic and sorcery when it was really her. 

"You..." I whisper, causing heads to turn and look at me. Before I could reason with myself, I was stalking towards her, unsheathing my knife to press it to her porcelain neck. "You bitch..." I whisper to her, causing her to smirk. 

She pushes me away, sending me flying. Literally. I heard Akiza, Carly, and Yusei call my name and then I crashed into a wall of bricks and rubble. I landed with a loud thud, but the thing that scared me the most was that I heard a loud resounding crack at the same time. I bit my lip, hiding the pain as I sat up. 

Yusei and Akiza rushed over to help me, but Carly whispered something to Yusei and he nodded, letting the girls help me up. 

"What did you say to him?" I whisper to the former news reporter, as she wraps an arm around my waist.  

"I told him not to touch you because that would show Erica who we're all dating," she whispers back. 

"But wouldn't she know already? With their wandering eyes..." I shot back, keeping my voice low. 

Carly shrugs. "Beats me, but what I do know is that you need to take it easy." 

I open my mouth to argue, but Akiza's brown eyes shoot me a look, and I nod. 

Akiza fixed her gaze on Carly, and the black haired female nods. Akiza breaks away from me, stepping towards Erica. 

"Was that really necessary?" she asks, crossing her arms. 

Erica laughs. "Yes, it was." She flips her half-shaved head of hair out of her face, glaring at me. "She's quite the handful." 

Akiza rolls her eyes. "That's not what I'm here for." She steps closer, but Erica doesn't move. 

Instead, Erica follows Aki with her gold eyes, which I figure must be contacts. 

Akiza stands behind the purple haired female, and grabs Erica by her shoulders. She whispers in her ear, and Erica's smirk grows, her strange eyes never leaving mine. 

As Akiza finishes talking to Erica, she throws her head back, laughing evilly. Her gold eyes start to glow and I back away, trying to rip my gaze from hers, but I can't. I physically can't. 

I step back - once, twice. Her gaze only intensifies. "If I'm going to help you guys out, I need someone's blood for a sacrifice." Her eyes never leave mine, and I know she wants my blood. 

Akiza shakes her head and steps in front of me. "No! That wasn't the deal." 

Erica tilts her head. "Oh honey, you don't learn, do you?" She chuckles mockingly as Akiza and Crow exchange a grim look. "I'm not the type to do deals unless it's with the spirits," she explains, stepping closer as Crow, Jack, and Yusei step back, exchanging weary looks. 

I shake my head. "See, that's your problem, Erica. You never keep your word. No wonder you don't have any friends," I cut her off, glaring at her. 

She snaps her head at me, her eyes now ablaze. "How dare you speak to me like that?!" She stalks towards me, summoning a fireball out of nowhere. 

I step back, drawing my knife. "It's the truth. And the truth hurts." I sneer, standing my ground. 

She shoots her fireball at me, but I spin out of the way just in time. Yusei rushes over to me. 
"(Y/N)!" he hisses in my ear. "What the fuck are you doing?" 

He pulls me aside, causing Erica to scream in frustration. "You know, you've really pissed me off. You can't just cause her to get angry at you. Did you even see what she can do? She can break your bones with one flick of her hand! And she shoots fireballs?" his sapphire eyes are ablaze and dark, glaring at me. 

"Yusei, calm down. Please, baby. I know you're worried about me, and angry too. It's not good for us to talk when one of us are angry," I say quietly, causing him to soften his gaze just a fraction. 

He nods, not saying anything as he backs away, his jaw still clenched tightly. 

"Now, I need blood to make my sacrifice, or the deal is off." Erica flips her dark violet bangs out of her face, looking at me with those strange but fascinating gold eyes. 

Akiza looks at me. "What do you say, (Y/N)?" Her eyes tell me everything she doesn't say aloud, and I nod. 

"This is the last thing I'll do," I say, stepping forward. 

Yusei goes to grab me, but he stops in his tracks, remembering what I said about arguing. I take a deep breath and I suddenly feel like Tris from Divergent. 

Erica smirks and hold out a small bowl and a knife. I push the knife away, and use my own. I close my eyes tightly, cutting my hand as I grit my teeth and give her the blood she needs. It feels like hours until she finally pulls the bowl away, filled to the brim with my crimson water-like substance. She bows her head and smiles at me, reminding me of when she was normal. 

"Thank you," she says softly, her voice causing my eyes to go wide. 

I watch as she disappears into her hideout. I can smell the sickening incense and I step back quickly, holding my good hand over my mouth to hold back a gag. 

Akiza and Carly catch me before I trip backwards. Jack grabs a medic kit from his duel runner and hands Akiza a roll of gauze. I close my eyes and let her wrap my hand up, feeling the sting of the open wound. 

A tear falls down my cheek, but Carly gently brushes it away. I open my eyes, and smile at her. "Thank you," I say quietly. "All of you." 

I end up falling asleep in Carly's arms, and I hear a commotion arise around me. But I don't remember a thing. 

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