XXXI: Imagination?

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I awoke to Yusei playing with my hair. He was running his fingers through it, gently brushing the knots out. 

"Hey, love," he spoke softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead as his eyes study my features. 

"Hello," I say as I pull away to get dressed. 

He groans in response. "Baby, it's cold without you. Why can't you stay in bed a bit longer?" he asks, sounding like a child. 

I giggle and shake my head. "Oh Yus. I'm going to shower. You want to join me, or are you going to just lay there?" I smirk as he shoots up in my bed. 

I laugh as he follows me, picking up his towel. We shower together, stealing a few kisses here and there. 

Yusei leaves my room with his towel around his waist, kissing my forehead, nose, and lips as a goodbye. 

I sigh and lay down on my bed. I still feel tired, so I close my eyes, listening to the clock tick. 

                                           *time skip*

I get woken up by screams in the house. I shoot up and open my eyes, only to close them again as I'm met with a bleeding headache. 

"Not again," I think, as I lie back down. I grab my head and squeeze my eyes shut. I scream in pain, and footsteps come rushing up the stairs, making it even worse. 

I see a flash of red that must be Akiza, along with a flash of dark blue, which I assume must be Yusei. Hands touch my shoulders, but I can't even see straight. Everything is blurry and I can't think straight. 

"....pain killer...please..." I hear snippets of a conversation, as I blink rapidly to try to fight the pain. 

More loud footsteps echo in my head and the on my shoulders slide down to rub my back. I hear more footsteps on the staircase, but I don't know what happens next - except I blackout... 

I awake in a field of soft, green grass - the wind filled with the smell of roses. I sit up, and my headache is gone. The first thing I notice when I look around are bushes of roses: red, pink, white, yellow... It's so beautiful. 

I stand up, but stop when I notice what I'm wearing...

"This is so vintage," I think, laughing to myself as I stand up, fixing my skirts and cape

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"This is so vintage," I think, laughing to myself as I stand up, fixing my skirts and cape. 

The grass feels soft beneath my feet, and I look down. I'm barefoot! My jaw drops, and I laugh. My toes are painted the same red color of the dress I'm wearing. 

I smile and start to walk among the flowers, gently touching the petals of a red rose. 

I'm led to a cobblestone path - smooth and not a single stone out of place. I place a barefoot on it, testing to see if it'll cut my foot. It doesn't, and so I continue walking along the path. 

It leads me to a garden filled with tulips. I bend down to run my index finger along the petals of a orange bud. It smells so good! I sigh and smile, my eyes searching the garden. 

Not a single weed or sprout out of place. This feels like a place I would definitely love living in. I chuckle and continue along the path. I turn a corner, and gasp. 

What I see looks like something taken from a vintage movie. There's lanterns hanging from iron lampposts, the cobblestone turning into a dirt road. All around me are a flower I know all too well: tiger lilies. 

I take a deep breath and walk forward, absolutely in heaven as I walk along the dirt road, feeling the soft brown substance underneath my feet. 

I stop in my tracks, seeing people walking around. For some reason, I don't want anyone to see me. But I don't consciously know the reason... I pull my hood up and dart through the streets, hiding underneath a lamppost. 

They pass by, and I wonder if I'm actually invisible. I go to walk past the lamppost, but make sure my shoulder would hit it. I slide right through the lamppost. 

I gasp and laugh, going back and forth through the lamppost. I chuckle and continue on, gazing at the flowers. 

I suddenly see another part of the garden I didn't notice before. I cautiously walk over to it, blinking to get my eyes adjusted to the light. 

The scene I come across makes me gasp and slap a hand over my mouth. This is like a horror movie. There's bodies all around, blood gushing everywhere, and I'm not sure where one stream starts and the others end. 

The only weapon I find is a bloody machete. I go to pick it up, but stop when I realize I'm barefoot. I curse under my breath and run around the streets, looking for a shoe shop I know I saw. 

I reach the corner of the lamppost I stood by, and dart into the shop. It smells of leather and fresh sandpapered wood. I find a pair of black boots and look at the size. Bingo. I slip them on and take off again, headed back to the crime scene. 

I notice my hood fell off and put it back on. I bend down to pick up the machete, but gasp. The handle has an ornate design I know all too well: Daisy. 

I suddenly feel lightheaded and step back, dropping the machete at my feet. I look up and see the street sign that reads "Marion St."  I lean against the wall of the building behind me and close my eyes, sliding down the wall. I then pass out again - seeing nothing but black. 

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