XXXIII: Marion Street

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I walk downstairs, and the girls greet me with a mischievous smile. "Hello there," Akiza greets, winking at me. 

"How on earth did you get him to shut up?" Carly says, pointing her thumb at Jack. 

I widen my eyes and blush, looking away. "Well, I should tell you guys in private," I trail, turning to lead the girls outside to the backyard. 

I tell Carly first, and she blushes a bit. She laughs it off and turns to Aki to tell her. 

"You said that? Oh my gosh, that's so good!" the red head laughs, smiling brightly at me. 

I nod. "I know! And Yusei didn't even seem phased by my retort either," I add, placing a hand on my hip. 

Carly looks at me, her grey eyes wide. "So have Yusei and you actually done it?" She asks, her voice turning to a whisper. 

Akiza looks at me, her brown eyes wide as well. "Yeah, tell us!" 

I nod, biting my lip as they both squeal. 

"Congrats! You and him make such a cute couple!" Carly says, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

Akiza nods in agreement. "Yeah, and Yusei couldn't ever stop asking about you before you became a part of the group again." She laughs, as I raise an eyebrow in amusement. 

We "girl chat" - as the guys like to call it - and head back inside around 3 in the afternoon. 

"Hey, (N/N)," Akiza says, making me turn to face her.  "What were you dreaming about when you were in that other realm? I heard you mutter Daisy's name too," she asks, her eyebrows furrowing. 

Carly also turns to me. "Yeah, I'm a bit curious myself." 

I sigh and turn to them. I explain that I was in a beautiful world with roses and cobblestone streets, but then the scene turned dark. I found a dagger that was Daisy's, and I remember seeing a sign for "Marion Street". 

Akiza gasps. "Marion Street..." she mutters, pacing around and heading to her room. "Hold on. I know I've heard that somewhere." She turns and runs up the rest of the stairs, leaving me and Carly very confused. 

A pair of arms wrap around my waist, and a familiar masculine scent fills my senses. "Hi Yus," I greet, as he spins me around to face him. 

Jack grabs Carly's hand and drags her to his bedroom. I chuckle softly as Carly mouths "help me" with a big grin on her face. 

Yusei looks at me and then Carly, smirking at me. His eyes lock with mine, and he backs me to the wall. 

His arms wrap around my waist, and he leans down to capture my lips in a heated kiss. His tongue darts between my lips, making me gasp softly. I kiss him back for a few minutes until someone clears their throat. 

We break apart, and are met with a smirking Crow. "Hi. Sorry to interrupt. Have you seen Akiza?" He asks, pretending nothing happened. 

I raise an eyebrow and nod. "Yes. She went upstairs to her bedroom. Why do you ask?" I put my hand on my hip, looking at the taller male. 

"I wanted to see her. You girls were outside for quite a bit," he retorts back, leaving us at in the living room as he bounds up the staircase. 

Yusei pulls me close and cuddles with me, his warm arms wrapped around my smaller figure. 

Akiza and Crow return, but Akiza's face makes me widen my eyes with worry. 

"What's going on?" I ask, as Yusei and I break apart. 

She walks past us and goes to sit on the couch, waving me over as well. "So I found out where I heard Marion Street before," she opens a crimson red leather book. "I took notes while I was doing all the witchcraft stuff-"  Crow snorts, but Akiza blows him off.  "-and I found out there have been mysterious killings on a place called Marion Street." She looks up at me, worry in her eyes. 

"Wait. So you mean to say that Marion Street actually exists in our world too?" I ask, tilting my head. 

She nods quickly, flipping through the yellowing parchment paper. "We need to track her down, and stop her. There are so many innocent people getting killed because of her." Her eyes look up at me - wide like a deer in headlights. 

I nod. "Okay, operation flower, let's go." 

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