XXXIX: Sunrise

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Yusei hums against my shoulder, kissing my neck softly as we watch the sunrise over the city. 

"It's so pretty," I say softly, leaning back against him. 

He hums in agreement. "But not as pretty as you," He says, making smirk and roll my eyes. 

"That was so cheesy," I retort, turning my head to face him. He chuckles as I continue. "But you can pull it off," I finish, kissing his lips softly. 

He kisses me back, pulling away to smile down at me. I get lost in his sapphire eyes glistening from the morning sunrise. A slight breeze blows through his bangs and makes me chuckle. 

He smiles back, brushing my (Y/H/L) hair out of my face. I bite my lip, my eyes dropping to the ground as he turns my shoulders. 

I lift my leg up and swing it around so I'm facing Yusei. He smiles at me and puts his head close to mine - our lips barely touching. 

He smiles softly, nuzzling my nose before pulling away. "Boop," he says softly, poking my nose with his gloved finger. 

I frown, but it turns into a smirk. I do the same to him, and he chuckles. 

We share the sunrise with the rest of the city, but we sit at the top - away from it all. 

All the chaos. All the drama All the pain. All the sorrow. All the lies. 

My thoughts drift back to my parents and the way that I left them so abruptly. I know that was hurtful, but at the same time - it hurt me too. I don't know what I would've done without Yusei and the rest of the Crimson Leaders by my side. Heck, I'm even grateful for Jack. XD 

I wonder how they would feel knowing I'm dating the guy whose parents they killed... accidently. But accident or not, I still feel like they're hiding something. I wonder what it could be. Or am I overthinking this? 

The feeling of Yusei's warm hands sliding his jacket off my shoulders snaps me out of my thoughts. 

"Are you okay, baby?" He asks softly, his eyes softening with worry. 

I nod. "I'm fine. Just thinking..." I drift off, consumed by the voices in my head. 

Should I go visit my parents? But what if they take me away from everything I've ever known? I love what I have now. I would never want to lose it. And Yusei means everything to me. 

But if we do get married... will my parents come to the wedding? Or will they still be bitter? Will I even invite them? Will I talk to them before then? 

So many questions make my head spin, causing me to lean forward against Yusei's chest. 

He rubs my shoulders in concern, the chain around his neck catching the sunlight. "(Y/N), are you sure you're okay? We can go back home if you want." He speaks softly, as one of his hands tilts my chin up to meet his eyes. 

I stay silent and think.  "I guess I'm just a bit tired. We did pull an all-nighter with the party and everything. I think I just need some sleep," I state, ignoring the smirk Yusei gives me. 

He nods and puts his jacket on, switching seats with me. He revs the engine, and we put our helmets on. He takes off slowly, starting down the ramp that leads to the busy streets of Neo City. 

                                           *time skip*

When we arrive back at the house, we pull up next to Jack and Carly. Carly smiles and waves at us, while Jack is too busy rambling about something. 

Yusei helps me off his bike and takes my helmet. He looks at Jack, and we exchange a look. 

"Don't ask," Carly says, shrugging her shoulders as the blonde continues on. 

We nod and go inside, only to be greeted by a sleeping couple on the couch. Crow and Akiza are asleep on the couch - snuggled against each other. 

I put a finger to my lips and smile at Yusei, who nods. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs to his room. He softly closes the door and takes his jacket, gloves, and shoes off. I follow suit and remove my heels, my feet aching from standing in them so long. I lay down on the bed, and Yusei cuddles up behind me. 

We stay like that until we both fall asleep... But not for long. 

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