XXXVII: After Party

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Jack, Carly, Yusei, and I all left afterwards - giving Akiza and Crow some "couple" time. ;D

Yusei took me to his favorite spot in town, overlooking the city with its blazing lights and faint music. He holds me close from behind, and nuzzles my neck - leaving quick kisses every now and then. 

I chuckle and turn to face him, kissing his lips. Even in September, the weather is relatively nice. Yusei brushes a strand of my (Y/H/C) hair behind my ear, leaning in to kiss me again. 

His kiss is slow but sweet, and his lips taste faintly of razzberry - most likely from the juice we had at the party. 

I sigh against his lips and pull away, smiling softly at him. "You taste like razzberries," I say, giggling. 

He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. "But you don't seem to mind it," he retorts, smirking at me as he rests his forehead against mine. 

I shake my head. "I don't." I say, playfully nuzzling his nose with mine. 

He chuckles once again - his deep laugh making me shiver slightly. 

"Are you cold?" He asks, pulling away to remove his jacket. 

I stop him. "No, I'm fine. You were keeping me warm," I retort, pulling him back in. 

He laughs at me, playfully booping my nose as he puts his arms around my waist again. 

I chuckle and we stay like that for a few minutes, the faint music the only thing we hear above the crashing waves of the nearby river. 

I close my eyes and I can feel Yusei run his hand over my cheek, gently caressing my face. I open my eyes to find two brilliant sapphire ones staring into my (Y/E/C) ones. He smiles and I return to smile, kissing him. 

He kisses me back, his hands pressing into the small of my back to pull me closer. I sigh and tangle my hands in his hair, feeling his tongue slide over my lips. 

I pull away and smirk. "Not here, Yus. Even though no one is around, I'll bet there are cameras," I say, raising an eyebrow. 

He smirks back, turning me around so his back is against the railing I was leaning on. "Oh? But so what if they catch us making out. Nothing they can do about it." He winks at me, making me bite my lip. 

I get lost in his eyes as his gaze locks with mine. He backs me up until my back hits the wall and I widen my eyes. He leans in and his hot breath fans my exposed neck. 

"We have this area all to ourselves, baby," he whispers, making my knees buckle as I grab his arms to keep my balance. 

He chuckles and raises an eyebrow - his cocky side showing. He captures my lips and I can't help but kiss him back. 

I can feel him smirk against my lips and I roll my closed eyes. One of his hands travels down over my ass, wrapping my leg around his waist as we kiss. 

I groan softly, pulling away. "Yusei, we can't," I say, trying to put my leg down. 

His hold on me tightens. "But baby, come on. Where's your sense of adventure? Of living dangerously? Satellite is the Satellite for a reason," he says, tilting his head as his dark eyes scan my face. 

I open my mouth to argue, but I close it. 

He has a point. The satellite is not the greatest place on earth. But it's not the worst either. 

I found friends here. I found dueling here. I found love here. 

"And you know what," I tell myself,  "I wouldn't trade it for the world." 

I sigh and look up at Yusei, who's watching me with a smile on his tan face. I blush and look down.  "You're right, Yusei."  I say softly.  "We should be able to live how we want. And I wouldn't trade my life now for anything. Not even to change the past because I've learned so much. I've been through so much. But you know what?"  I ask, making him lean in.  "I have you." 

We share a smile and he kisses me, hoisting my leg up as he wraps it back around his waist. I break the kiss, looking at him. 

"Yus, we need protection if we're gonna do this." I state firmly. 

He nods and smirks, pulling out a small square-shaped packet. "No need to worry, love." He waves it in front of my face, making me blush. 

I raise an eyebrow and open my mouth a bit.  "Yusei! I'm shocked."  I state, biting my lip as I look away from him. 

He turns my head, forcing my eyes to lock with his.  "Baby, you don't need to be embarrassed. I'm prepared because I crave you, and I love you. And whenever you want me, I want to be ready."  He states, his smirk falling as he gazes into my (Y/E/C) eyes. 

"I-"  I look down, my heart beating too fast to even hear correctly. I bite my lip and sigh.  "Yusei, you're so good to me. And you've beyond proven that you love me... I just-" 

I cut myself off and sigh, frowning. 

"It's okay, love. You don't have to say anything." He caresses my face gently, kissing my lips so softly, it feels like the air brushed over them. 

"Yusei, I... I love you so much. And I mean what I said: I want to marry you. I see a future clearer than any other I've ever imagined. I know you,... and you know me. You can call it fate,... or destiny. But whatever it is, I feel and I know: I am meant to be with you." I say, gasping for air as the words I just said hit me like a tidal wave. 

His eyes soften and he looks down at me. "I couldn't have said it better myself, love. I feel the same way." He whispers, before kissing me. 

I let him, and our bodies instantly touch - unconsciously knowing what to do. 


[A/N]: Should I do another, spicy lemon? XD Anyway, sorry for not posting. I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Let me know if there is anything - even a small detail - that you want to see added. :) 

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