XVII: Love or Lust?

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(Y/N)'s POV: 

Yusei and I stood to the side, chatting as the others talked with Alex. There were bags underneath his sapphire eyes, and I could tell he had spent countless, sleepless nights without me. 

"Oh Yus, you look terrible,"  I whisper, pressing gentle kisses against his neck. 

He pulls me away and looks at me, his sapphire eyes gazing deep into my (Y/E/C) ones.  "Baby, we should stop."  

I furrow my eyebrows, wanting him to explain. I was so worried he meant 'stop our relationship'. 

He sighs at my confused expression.  "I mean, with the passionate kisses and all. I might not be able to control myself,"  He admits, blushing. 

I smile and nod.  "I understand. Thanks for being honest with me, Yusei."  I close my eyes as he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. 

He returns the smile, taking a step back from me. 

Someone clears their throat.  "Hate to interrupt, but we should get going. It's getting a 'lil late,"  Jack says, raising an eyebrow at the two of us. 

I roll my eyes at him.  "Ya, ya. Save it Atlas. We'll get you home to Carly."  I retort, smirking at him. 

He huffed in response, blushing and walking away. Yusei chuckles at me and leads me to his runner. 

He hands me a helmet and I put it on, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

Once we arrive at home, Yusei leads me to his bedroom. 

Jack took Carly out for a date since they hadn't been able to be alone together. While Crow and Akiza went to go visit the twins and Martha. 

I was a bit nervous being alone with Yusei for the first time since we started being a couple. But I took a deep breath and told myself to trust him. 

"(Y/N),"  Yusei says, looking at me, as he removes his jacket and gloves.

I gaze up at him, seeing something in his eyes I've never seen before: a kind of want and need. I bite my lip, realizing it was lust. 

"Y-Yusei,"  I stutter, standing up and facing the door. 

I hear his footsteps follow me, his hand touching my shoulder.  "Baby, look at me."  

I turn to face him, but I immediately close my eyes and take a deep breath, feeling my heart pound rapidly.  "Yusei, we shouldn't. We can't. I'm not ready,"  I blurt out, searching his face and eyes for a reaction as I bite my bottom lip again. 

He nods.  "(Y/N), I understand. I won't do anything to hurt you. I respect you, and I'll wait until you're comfortable,"  He says, his bare hands running down my arms to grab my own hands. 

I sigh and nod, smiling up at him gratefully.  "So, what is it you were going to say?"  I ask, tilting my head at him. 

He looks at me and blushes.  "I just wanted to say... I have a gift for you,"  He says, turning to open a dresser drawer. 

"For me? But Yus, you didn't have to,"  I say, finding the courage to take a step towards him. 

He pulls out a small box and hands it to me, our fingers brushing. I smile and gently sit on the edge of his bed. Looking at him, I see him nod, urging me to open the box. I open it and gasp. 

Inside is a beautiful but small blue diamond ring. 

"Yus, I- it's beautiful

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"Yus, I- it's beautiful. Thank you!"  I say, smiling at him as I slip it on my finger. I lean in to peck his lips, pulling away quickly to see him blush. 

I smile, gazing into his dazzling blue eyes. His eyes look right back into my own, sending my stomach into a frenzy. 

His hand finds its way to rest on my upper thigh, causing me to gasp softly. I bite my lip again: a habit I formed when I was a kid. 

He looks at me, but doesn't move his hand. Instead, he gently moves his thumb back and forth across my skin. 

I had changed into clean clothes consisting of short shorts and an off-the-shoulder shirt when I got back to the house. 

His warm hand on my bare skin sends my mind in a flurry of emotions. I sigh and bite my lip harder, trying to hold in a moan I know would just tell him to continue.  "Y-Yus,"  I manage to stammer, my hands pushing his away. 

He looks at me, his eyes telling me he knows full well what he's doing to me. 

I tear my gaze away from his and take a few deep breaths.  "Stop. Just stop. There's enough tension in the air, something's bound to happen. If that's what you're counting on to get me to have sex with you, then just forget it."  I say sternly, standing up and crossing my arms. 

He stands as well, stepping back to rest his shoulder against the wall.  "Baby, I'm sorry. I've just missed you so much... And I love you so much, I just want the opportunity to show you how much I love you." 

Silence is the answer I give back, my gaze falling to the ground. 

"Sitting in an empty room, thinking only about you... my thoughts were bound to go into the gutter,"  He admits, rubbing the back of his neck. 

I sigh, and fiddle with the ring he just gave me. I think it all through, trying to process his words and the meaning behind them. 

If he didn't love me, he wouldn't give me a ring. But the way he's been acting lately is like how the other boys acted when I was in America, attending high school. I know we're both human and it's difficult to control our emotions, but I would like to think that the respect and love we have for one another would be enough to hold us both back. 

Just as I get enveloped in my thoughts, Yusei calling my name snaps me out of them. 

"(Y/N), listen to me. I'm sorry. I truly am. I just..."  He sighs, sitting down on the bed again, putting his face in his hands. 

I sigh.  "Yusei, I get it. We're both just human and we can sometimes have a difficult time fighting between our hearts and our bodies. I forgive you. But please, let's agree that we'll put a stop to things sooner. We need to take precautions in order to protect each other."  I state, my eyes rising to look at him. 

I step towards him, gently sitting on the bed as I pat his back. 

He looks up at me and smiles softly.  "Thank you, (Y/N). For forgiving me and giving me another chance." 

I smile at him, kissing his cheek. 

We both decide to move to the living room, playing cards and drinking tea/hot chocolate/coffee etc. 

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