XXV: Where Am I?

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After what happened with Erica, I remember fainting in Carly's arms as Akiza wrapped my hand up. I also remember them calling my name, but I couldn't respond. 

I woke up - who knows how many hours later - and I had a splitting headache. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head gently, trying to get rid of it. I gasp, the pain only becoming worse. 

I heard someone gasp next to me. I looked over and saw Yusei, his sapphire eyes wide with relief. He gave me a tight hug, and kissed my head. I giggle and he lets me go. 

"How are you feeling?" he says quietly, almost like he knew I had a bleeding headache. 

I nod once. "I think I'm okay. Could be better," I shrug my shoulders and lay back into the pillows. 

"Here," Yusei stands up, and I look at him. "Sit up for a second." 

I sit up and he fluffs my pillows. I smile and raise an eyebrow. "Why thank you," I say, chuckling at him. 

He returns the smile. "No problem. You're my princess," he says, giving me a cheesy smile. 

I blush and laugh. "I'm not a queen?" I tease, his eyes widening as I tease him. 

He hums playfully and leans close to whisper in my ear. "Not yet." 

I blush even more and lean into the pillows, closing my eyes. "Is there painkiller? I have a bloody headache," I say, changing the subject. 

He nods. "I'll go get some for you, love. You get some rest." He kisses my temple and goes downstairs to get me some water and painkiller. 

I sigh and feel the ring Yusei gave me still on my finger. I open my eyes and look at it. I make up my mind right then and there: he definitely loves me. 

I hear his footsteps on the stairs, and am greeted by his warm smile. He hands me a glass of water and a couple of pills. 

He pats my head, making me almost spit my water out. "Yus! What was that for?" I playfully glare at him, his sapphire eyes gleaming. "I'm not your patient." 

He hums and shakes his head. "Yes, you are. But first, you're my girlfriend," he says, sitting down on my beanbag chair. 

I roll my (Y/E/C) eyes and hand him the half full glass. He sets it down on my bedside table, leaning forward to grab my hand. He squeezes it, and I squeeze his hand back. "Get some sleep, babe," he says softly, leaning back. 

"But, what will you do? Watch me sleep?" I tease, raising an eyebrow. 

He chuckles. "Maybe..." 

I sit up and widen my eyes.

He shakes his head, chuckling and pushes me back down into the pillows. "Relax, love. I'm kidding. I'll either read a book or go join the others." 

I nod and close my eyes, suddenly feeling tired. I feel a slight throbbing in my hand but I ignore it. Somehow, I end up drifting off to sleep. 

                                                                   *time skip*

I end up waking to the sound of soft music playing in the background. I sit up slowly and rub my eyes. I yawn and stretch my arms above my head, hearing my back pop. 

I scan my room, but I'm alone. I listen carefully, trying to pinpoint the soft music's source. I smile softly as I realize it's Carly and Akiza doing karaoke. The guys must have left to go do something else. 

I smile and get up, going downstairs to join the girls. 

"Hey! Look who's up!" Carly greets, hugging me, her grey eyes gleaming. 

Akiza smiles at me. "Hey, (N/N). How are you doing?" She grabs my hand, examining the wrapping. 

"I'm doing better. Thanks," I say, smiling back at her. 

Her brown eyes examine mine, seeing straight through my words. She doesn't press for answers - instead she and Carly lead me over to their karaoke stand. 

"Come on, (N/N). Pick a song!" Carly says, scrolling through the songs that they've done recently. 

"Yeah, (N/N). It'll help you feel better, and get some things off your mind," she adds, tilting her head of red hair. 

I nod and choose a song. [this is where you pick, lol.] 

I sing the song as best as I can, but we all just end up laughing instead. It was great to spend some time with my female friends. 

The guys are nice, sure. But sometimes they just don't understand things. 

We spend hours taking turns singing and being silly. But eventually, the door opening brings our fun to a close. 

"Hey, girls," Crow greets. "How was your karaoke night?" He walks over to Akiza, hugging her. 

"It was nice," Carly responds, getting a half-hearted hug from Jack. 

I nod. "We had fun." Yusei smiles at me, kissing my forehead. 

"Good. You need to destress love," he whispers to just me. 

"And how was your guys night?" Carly asks, pulling Jack in for a proper hug. 

He shrugs. "It was okay." 

Crow rolls his eyes. "You're just upset because you lost twice," he retorts, making Jack scowl at him. 

Yusei nods. "Come on, Jack. It was all in good fun." 

Jack sighs and shakes his head. "No, you cheated. It's not like I lose that easily," he says defiantly. 

Us girls exchange a knowing glance and shake our heads. "Whatever you say, Jack." Akiza retorts, smirking at him. 

Before he can respond, Carly pulls him away, heading upstairs to their room. 

I look at Yusei and smirk. "Did you all have fun?" I ask, knowing that Yus will tell me the truth. 

He nods, his raven black bangs falling in his eyes. "Yes, Jack's just upset because he lost. Not by a lot though." 

I chuckle softly, brushing his bangs out of his face as I lean in to kiss him. 

He hugs me close, and grabs my hand to lead me to my room. "You need to rest now, babe." 

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh Yus, I'm fine. Besides, since you're back, I want to spend some time with my boyfriend." 

He blushes slightly and nods. "What do you want to do, hon?" He teases me with the nickname. 

I roll my eyes and look at him. "Cuddle perhaps?" 

He makes a face and we both laugh. "Oh come on," I say, pulling him to my bed. "I know you like to cuddle." 

He chuckles and snuggles close to me. "Only with you." 

We lay in my bed, and I can feel his heart beat faster. I kiss him and he brushes a strand of hair from my (Y/S/C) face. 

"I love you." 

I smile. "I love you too." 

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