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[A/N]: I decided the world needed a bit more love. So here's a love poem I wrote. Enjoy! :)


Something soft-give me your lips. Something warm-embrace me.
Your touch sends sparks through my body,
like the way tea flows through a kettle.
All I have, all I own...
Every piece of me falls into your hands like a petal.
It's strange,
this connection we share.
I know we're far apart, but it feels like we breathe the same air.
I love this so much,
and yet,
it's clear to see:
we're so young and miles apart.
It just might not be
meant to
But what if...?
My mind drawls;
what if things could change?
Is it possible for me and him to maybe one day
get engaged?
My mind's a frenzy,
but it's in delight.
A flurry of colors and feelings.
I love this, and I just might...
Relaxed and nervous
at the same time.
How can this be?
Is it possible for my feelings
to change, like the
tube of a chime?
I've never felt his kiss,
and yet his words taste so sweet.
Like a fresh, new bliss -
but he's too far away to meet.
So with one last breath,
I blow a kiss...
Hoping it'll reach him. 

That Satellite Girl: Yusei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now