XXXXVI: Surprise Visit

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I rushed out of the small hotel I was staying at. I had thought about Hunter before leaving, and I left a message on paper for him. 

I revved my bike, and drove down to where I knew I could find Akiza. She and I had created a secret spot where we'd meet together: just us girls. 

I slowed my speed to keep the bike quiet, cautiously scanning my surroundings. Our spot wasn't the safest, but we managed to keep it clean. I got off my bike, strapping it to a metal pole we had hammered into the ground with a bungee cord. 

I was greeted with a small smile from Akiza. She stepped forward, looking both ways down the eerie streets before she pulled me inside with her. She embraced me tight, her chest rising and falling as if she's about to cry. 

She pulls back and looks at me, her brown eyes laced with worry. "So, what's wrong?" 

I sigh and pull out the book I found. She gasps and grabs it from me, flipping through the blank pages. A dark purple and black aura glows around her and she starts to... read the pages? 

I furrow my eyebrows, confused. "Uh-" 

"Shhh!" She puts a finger to her lips, clearly lost in thought. I sigh and stand there for a few minutes, feeling a cold gust of wind whip through my (Y/H/C) hair. 

The aura dies down around Aki, and suddenly it's warm again. I glance up at her, my (Y/E/C) eyes wide. "Should I be concerned...?" 

She shakes her head and chuckles. "No, not at all. I won't hurt you. You're my friend." She smiles. "So anyway, apparently this Hunter guy you met is part of a clan called the Elongs. They're a group of strong witches and wizards that use dark magic to manipulate others. They may want to work with the dark signers, but the dark signers I think wanted to prove themselves without help..." 

I frown. "Well, at least we have some sort of lead. But how has the case with the dark signers gone?" 

She nods. "We haven't gotten any good leads either, but..." She sighs. "I did want to apologize for kissing Yusei. I was drunk and I don't know what came over me..." 

I feel a stab of pain shoot through my heart. "I understand people can get caught up in the moment... It's okay..." 

"No, (Y/N), it's not. I really shouldn't have done that. And I messed things up for you, Crow, and Yusei. Now things are awkward and it's all because of me." She sighs and crosses her arms in front of her chest. 

I sigh, and look down.  "Aki, could we talk about this later?.. I know you feel bad, but I think it's more important that we work together as friends to save our city right now." 

Akiza frowns at me, her eyes cold. After a few moments, she sighs and nods. "Okay, fine. You're right." 

"So how should we go about getting the guys on board with this....?" I ask, my voice cracking. 

She shrugs, her red hair falling over her eyes. 

"No need," a male voice says. 

We both turn, and I widen my eyes. 

"Hunter! What the hell?" I exclaim, making Akiza step behind me. 

Hunter stands in front of me, clothed in a dark black cloak with a hood covering his blue-green eyes. He's got combat boots on his feet - tied neatly in a bow. The rest of his outfit consist of a black T-shirt and black, ripped jeans. 

"Don't underestimate me, love," he says, his voice sickly sweet. "Now, what I want is for you to join me." He holds out a pale hand to me. 

I start to reach for his hand, but hesitate as I feel another hand grab my wrist. 

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