V: Complications [Part II]

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[A/N]: Just real quick, if you want to skip the (short) dueling scene, then you may as well skip this whole chapter. Or to the bolded words if I add anything else. Thanks! ✌


"Okay, Kalin. Ladies first. I draw!"  I was filled with rage, glaring at the psycho man in front of me.  "First I'll summon Queen's Double! Next, I'll play the continuous trap card Robbin' Zombie! Now Queen's Double, attack Kalin directly!"  My monster took out 350 of Kalin's life points, but he barely even flinched.  "Ah, I'm not finished yet. Thanks to my continuous trap, you have to send one card from your deck to the graveyard."  As he sighed, his life points dialed down to 3650, and I nodded to Akiza.  

"Alright! My turn, I draw!"  First I'll summon Twilight Rose Knight! Next I'll play a field spell. Alright, Crow. Take it away!" 

Crow nodded.  "Let's tear things up! I draw!"  Crow glared at Kalin, studying the dark figure.  "First, I'll summon Blackwing Pinaki! Then I'll place two card face down! You're up, Yus!" 

Yusei nodded, his gaze full of determination.  "Here I go! Draw! I'll summon Speed Warrior to the field! Next up, I'll bring out Junk Synchron! You're up, Kalin. Better make it good." 

He scoffed.  "Oh, you bet I will, Fudo." 

                                                *time skip*

Yusei, Crow, and I were hanging on by only 200 or so life points. Kalin still had 2000 of his. My face must have looked awful, as Akiza kept giving me worried looks. I touched my face, my fingers becoming stained with blood. 

Kalin's laugh ripped me from my thoughts.  "You're up, pathetic girl." 

"Oh, you are so on!"  Drawing a card, I smirked. Little did he know I had illegal cards in my deck. Not like the cards you scavenge from Satellite are legal in the first place.  "Okay! First, I'll start off by playing my spell card, Goblin's Secret Remedy. This card gives me 600 life points! Next, that I have five monsters on the field, things are about to get heated. So don't blink. I sacrifice my five dragons to fuse them with the spell card, polymerization. Show yourself, my five headed dragon!"  I smirked as Kalin's stony face turned to shock. 

"H-how did you get that? That card was rumored to be destroyed..."  He stepped back, almost knocking himself out from the purple forcefield. 

"Yeah, well..."  I started, pretending to check my nails, my life points going up to 800.  "Don't believe rumors. Now then, attack my dragon!"  The five heads of my monster attacked with fire, water, wind, light, and earth. 

"Not so fast! I reveal my trap!"  Kalin called out, making me roll my eyes.  "Mirror force!" 

I looked up, glaring at him.  "Oh, I don't think so! You will  lose this duel, Kalin. I activate my trap, Trap Stun! So you better find something to hold on to!" 

"Stardust, attack!"  Yusei joined in. 

"Blackwing, attack!" 

[Bolded words here] All three of our monsters attacked Kalin, finishing him off and sending him into the purple forcefield. His screams faded, as the bubble around us disappeared. The mark on his arm dimmed, but I wasn't sure we had saved him quite yet. 

"Well, 'bout bloody time! Do you mind untying me, mate?"  Jack spoke up, muffled through the cloth in his mouth.

We all laughed, as he glared at us and looked at Crow. We helped Jack, but our victory quickly turned sour. 

"Well, what a lovely reunion..."

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