XIV: Panic

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I crawled after Alex for what felt like hours. My eyes were surrounded by darkness, and I could feel my body shiver from the cold. I had tied the blanket around me when we had started to crawl. It helped, but it did nothing to protect my face or knees from the harsh cold. 

"How much farther?"  I ask, my voice echoing off the pipe walls. 

Alex stops in front of me, and I sit back onto my legs, groaning from being sore. He takes out a box of matches from his cloth pack and lights one to look at the map. 

"We're about half way there,"  He responds, before blowing the match out and chucking it into the darkness behind me. 

I groan.  "So if the pipe fixture is about two miles long, you're telling me we have about another mile to go?"  I sigh, as I look at him, his green-grey eyes looking back at my (Y/E/C) ones. 

He nods.  "Afraid so, (Y/N),"  He sighs as well, turning to continue crawling through the smelly and musty pipes. 

I follow suit, feeling the tracker in my pocket buzz. I stop crawling and call out to Alex to wait a second. I pull the tiny gadget out of my pocket, holding it in my hand as it buzzes. 

"Hmm, that's an odd object. What is it? And where did you get it?"  He asks, tilting his head to look at me. 

"It's just a pedometer,"  I respond, not bothering to fill him in on what it actually is.  "It counts my steps or any rigorous movement. Nothing to worry about,"  I say, shoving the small device into my back pocket. 

Alex gives me a suspicious look but nods, once again turning to continue down the pipe line. 

As we crawl, the farther we get to the end of the line, the more the tracker keeps buzzing. I roll my eyes and rip a piece from the cloth blanket when Alex isn't looking. I wrap the tracker inside it and then shove it back into my pocket. The cloth muffles the noise some, but it still keeps buzzing. 

Soon enough, daylight begins to creep in through the rusted and cracked pipes. As we continue on, I begin to lose faith. 

Will we ever make it? What if Alex did his calculations wrong? What if Yusei came for me, but found I wasn't there? What would Kalin do to him? 

I shook my head to clear the thoughts, my hands and knees now numb against the ice-cold metal. 

As I continue on, light finally floods the pipes and I squeal, earning and groan from Alex.  "Would you stop that?"  He says, as I squeal a second time. 

"Sorry. Just happy to see some daylight,"  I respond, as both of us crawl faster to get out of this hell hole. 

Alex emerges first, stretching and neglecting to help me out. I roll my eyes and crawl out onto the grass-covered ground. 

I smile as I stand as stretch, noticing I hand mud all over my hands. I look down and notice I have mud on the exposed parts of my knees too. I roll my eyes and brush my hands off in the dry grass. 

Alex does the same, and we both sit in the sun, drying our clothes. I notice he brought a bar of soap with him as well. I look in my cloth bag, and sure enough, I have a purple bar of soap. 

I get up and look around for some water. As I wander over the grassy hill, I find a stream of clear water. I smile and go to wash the mud off. I knee down by the fresh water, untying the blanket from around my chest. 

I splash water on my face and hands, using the soap to clean the mud and grim off. The soap smells like lavender. I then wash my knees, trying my best not to get the rest of my jeans soaked. After I wash my arms and hands, I use the inside part of the blanket to dry my face and body. 

I hear footsteps behind me, and turn to look. Alex smiles at me, beaming with a bar of green soap in his hands. He joins me, squatting as he washes his face and hands. 

His cloth Victorian style clothes are filthy, and his sleeves are ripped at the elbows. 

He turns towards me.  "Hey, (Y/N). Would you mind turning away or going to the other side of the hill? I kind of want to take a bath in the stream,"  He admits, blushing as he runs a hand through his messy dark blonde hair. 

I nod.  "Of course! Only if you promise I get to take one in privacy too after you're finished,"  I smirk, earning a chuckle from him. 


I sit with my back against the small grass covered hill, looking through the small cloth package Alex had given me. Aside from the soap and the other things I had already looked at: I have a box of matches, a lighter, a small jar of honey...  "Must have been from Alma,"  I thought, as I roll my eyes. I have a small candle, and lastly I found one cigarette. Huh? That's odd. I shrug and put it back, not bothering to give it a second thought. I open the jar of honey and I find a spoon. I sit and eat it, savoring every bite of the sweet and sticky liquid-like food. [If you don't like honey, then eat the bread or something...]

Sooner than later, Alex appears, shirtless with his blanket around his waist. I fight a blush as I study his skinny build. He runs a hand through his wet blonde hair, smirking at me.  "Your turn,"  He sing-songs. 

I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him, before I get up to go bathe, my soap in one hand. I then reach for the tracker with my free hand. I place the tracker underneath a large tree away from the water. 

I carefully undress, scanning my surroundings every now and then. I get into the water, and dunk myself under. I shiver as I come up for air. I quickly lather my body and rinse. I then focus on my (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) hair, rubbing the bar of soap through the (Y/H/T - your hair type, i.e. fine, thin, thick) strands. I rinse it well and then get out of the cold but refreshing water. 

I hurry over to my clothes. I put my under garments on before I take the rest of the clothes to the water. I rinse them and clean the mud off as best as I can. I bunch them up and walk to my blanket that I had left near the stream. 

I throw the blanket around me and return to Alex. I find him sunbathing, and I smile. I lay my clothes out to dry as I cover myself up better and lie in the sun a few feet away from the blonde haired male. 

I snap my eyes open. I bolt up and go running back over the small grass hill, almost tripping. I scramble to find the tracker. When I find it, I sigh in relief before heading back to sun bathing. 

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