IX: Savior?

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I woke up the next morning to an awful sound: I awoke to screaming. I shot up in my makeshift bed, my eyes snapping open. As I listened, I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, changing into an oversized sweater that was in the one of the drawers. I opened the other two drawers, searching for a pair of pants. I finally found a pair of black ripped short-shorts. I sighed, and slipped them on, grabbing a blanket from the top of my so-called bed. 

I walk out of my bedroom, and wrap the blanket around me.  "Kalin!"  I scream, not even caring to knock on his bedroom door. I kick the door open, and gasp at the sight before me. I turned on my heel, wanting to throw up. 

Kalin had a young female lying underneath him, and they were banging. Kalin's pale hands were entangled in her blonde hair, and her hands were all over him. "So that's who was screaming,"  I thought to myself as I roll my eyes. I glance at the clock on the wall:  "And it's only 7 in the morning,"  I smirk at the thought, rolling my eyes once again. 

My thoughts immediately shifted to Yusei. I miss him so much. The thought of being intimate and even dirty with the sapphire eyed male made me blush. His soft lips moaning my name... I shook my head, running down the stairs. The makeshift living room was empty, and the sound of water dripping from the old pipes was the only sound in the room. 

I sat down on the floor, plugging my ears. I sighed as I still heard the lewd sounds coming from Kalin's room. I got up and searched through the drawers. Eventually, I found a pair of earbuds, plugging them into my MP3 player that I had stuck in my pocket from my other clothes. 

I put the earbuds in and put my music on shuffle. I smile softly, as a love song started to play: Mine by Taylor Swift. Of course, it made me think of Yusei, but in a way, in was comforting. I started to hum along, as my gaze turned to my reflection in a small, broken mirror. I found a pair of female combat boots lying around, along with a woman's pair of clothes and under garments. I roll my eyes, before I get up and slip on the female's combat boots.  "Must have been the blonde's..." I thought.  "Finders, keepers,"  I sing songed, as I sat back down on the blanket I brought with me. I put a timer on my MP3 player and let the music play, as I eventually fell back asleep. 

This time, I awoke to a whisper. Someone was whispering my name.  "(Y/N)! Psst! Over here!"  I heard an all too familiar voice whisper. 

I turned my head and pulled out my earbuds.  "Yusei!"  I whisper in excitement, throwing myself into his arms.  "Thank goodness, you found me!"  I pull away and kiss him, pressing myself into his warm embrace. 

He kisses me back before pulling away.  "Let's get out of here, love,"  He whispers softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 

I blush and nod, following him through the vents of the dark signers' hideout. We made our way through the cold metal contraption, eventually being led to Yusei's runner outside. 

Yusei held his hand out, and helped me out of the square metal vents.  "Thank you,"  I said, smiling at him. 

He smiled and patted his duel runner, wanting me to sit. 

I did, and he grabbed my waist, bending his neck down to kiss me. I kiss him back, pulling his jacket collar to deepen the kiss. He groans softly against my lips, swiping his tongue across my own. I sigh as I open my mouth to him, letting his tongue explore my mouth. I moan softly against Yusei's mouth, feeling his tongue play with mine. I let his hands travel down to bare legs, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I trail my hands underneath his jacket, feeling his toned arms, earning a moan from him. Somehow, something clicked in my brain and I pull away, our lips connected with a string of our saliva. 

Yusei looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I giggle and answer him.  "As much as I love this, Yus, we can't do 'it' here,"  I smirk, removing my hands from him. 

He smirks, resting his forehead against mine.  "Yes, love. I'm well aware... But once we're home..."  His smirk grew, his sapphire eyes filled with love and lust.  "Well, then we won't have to worry,"  He whispers in my ear.

I blush as I looked away.  "That's moving a little fast, Yusei,"  I said, biting my lip. 

His expression turns to sadness, as he looks at me.  "I understand, love. Let me know when you're ready,"  He brushed his thumb against my lip, causing me to part them. 

I nod.  "I will, Yus,"  I smiled as I kiss him, before slipping on my helmet. He did the same, and revved his runner, taking off into the sunrise. 

I hugged his waist tight, snuggling into his back. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew he was smiling. 

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